So I don’t get anybody in trouble that photo at the very top was taken in 2019 before COVD. Many times God has me minster to 3 people, sometimes 10, sometimes more…it is all of God. I have been taught by God to show His love and care to one person at a time….to focus on one soul at a time and love on them, to let them know they are precious.
I have been doing a number of funeral services and waiting word about another one as a family member of the deceased recovers from COVID. The pandemic has made it is so very tough on families. I see the pain in the faces of folks, it breaks my heart. If there is anything we all can do at all, we can show extreme compassion, the LOVE OF JESUS! I try to always preach ‘let people see JESUS in you’ I always ask myself, do people see Jesus in me? do they see the love of Jesus in me? What do people see when they look at you?
It is so very sad that only 5 people can be in the funeral service. The funeral home folks are doing their very best that they can do with the COVID restrictions that are in place in New Mexico. Even at the Santa Fe National Cemetery only 5 are allowed at the service.
Very tough. Many are out in their cars listening to the service on their radio as the funeral homes broadcasts it over a low power FM transmitter. Facebook is also used. It surely is not the same. I try to put myself in the shoes of the family members and how they feel. It grieves me. No hugs, no kisses………it all is so very tragic.
This week a funeral home Director told me that many families are putting off a service until the present restrictions are lifted.
Amid rising COVID death toll, funeral homes struggle to keep up
From Charles Stanley this morning:
Confidence Amidst Distress
Psalm 46
It seems as if the world today is constantly changing. This might cause us to be filled with anxiety unless we remember that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). Disturbing times should remind us we are only pilgrims on this earth. Our citizenship is in a heavenly kingdom that can never be shaken.
The commotion of this current world is nothing unprecedented. I remember 1944 being a year of tremendous turmoil in our country because of World War II. Many people anxiously listened to the evening news, fearing the death of loved ones as battles in various locations were reported.
When times are frightening and uncertain—whether personally, nationally, or globally—the place to find comfort and assurance is the Bible, especially the book of Psalms. Scripture helps us look at circumstances from God’s perspective. That reassures us of His love and care for us and lifts our eyes to a higher hope than anything this world can offer.
We all want to find peace, and the first step is to cease striving (Psalm 46:10). Remember that the Lord is always with you, and know that His kingdom is coming.
I love this message from Joni Eareckson Tada:
When you see yourself as among the least, the last, the littlest, and the lost, God becomes everything. You find yourself drawn nearer to him by the smallest of enjoyments. An hour of listening to Bach reminds you of God. So does sitting under a tree on a blustery day. You peel an onion only to stop and marvel at the beauty of its concentric rings. Everything reminds you of the Lord. First Corinthians 3:21-23 says it best: “All things are yours…the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.”
Godly sorrow leads to repentance, which in turn leads to salvation, and thus no regrets. Do you want to know contentment in Christ, pure and deep? Would you like to have no regrets? No itchy “if only’s”? Then see yourself as the prodigal, not worthy to be called a child of God…and all things will be yours, for “you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.”
I want you, Lord, to be everything to me. Give me that godly sorrow that leads to repentance and thus no regrets.
God Bless the Memory of Robert Schweich, Who Served Our Country During the Cuban Missile Crisis
I wrote this after I officiated a funeral for you wonderful family this week……

God Bless the Memory of Robert Schweich. I was blessed to preside over his funeral yesterday. Robert served our Country in the Navy on a battle ship during the Cuban Missile crisis, he was right in the thick of it all! Praise God for all those who have and are standing strong for America. I am thankful for all the Funeral Homes who are doing their very best during this time of the state lockdown. I am blessed to serve the families. The grieving of losing a loved one during this time of COVID is so very, very hard on families.
It is sad to think that many Americans here in 2020 do not know about the Cuban Missile crisis. We came so very close to nuclear war with the Soviet Union. America had the steady hand of President John F. Kennedy at the helm!
Can you even imagine what was going on in the minds of people like young Robert Schweich who was right in the middle of this crisis? Such bravery.
Many people thought the end of the world was near. I give thanks to the Lord for all those who showed such bravery. President Kennedy was under such pressure at that time, he did not flinch, thank God.
I have thought a lot of President Kennedy over the years and what this Country would have looked like if he had not been shot to death. What would have happened in Vietnam if President Kennedy would have lived? ‘Bomb happy’ LBJ surely sealed our fate. The 60’s where full of hell on earth, Cuban Missile crisis, the Vietnam War, costing America the loss of life of 58,200 soldiers. President Kennedy being shot to death, Robert Kennedy being shot to death, Martin Luther King being shot to death…..all tied together? We will never know the truth.
I encourage you to read about the CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS