Dear friends
Our world is in the midst of great shakings. The COVID-19 pandemic, the disputed American elections, a looming global recession – these are just some of the dilemmas topping the news of late. We also see Judeo-Christian values being eroded in our increasingly post-modern societies worldwide.
People are struggling to stay oriented as the fixed points in their lives are shaken. More than ever, clear leadership is required. Those who lead our churches and communities are having to be lighthouses in these stormy times, demonstrating the solid foundations of our faith, and giving light and orientation in an ever darkening world..
We are inviting pastors, ministry leaders, business leaders and government officials to join us for a dynamic online conference broadcast from Jerusalem in which we will seek to hear from God and receive fresh vision together. Out of this gathering, we are trusting the Lord for His empowering Spirit to guide us and those we serve in the days ahead.
Our annual Envision Conference for pastors and ministry leaders will be an online event this coming year, and will be held from 25-28 January 2021.
Our featured speakers include Ingolf Ellßel (Germany), Billy Wilson (USA), Mats Ola Ishoel (Russia), South African MP Kenneth Meshoe, US Cong. Mike Sodrel, Peter Tsukahira and Calev Myers (Israel), plus many other proven leaders!
Hear from international leaders who have overcome and excelled in crisis. Learn about Israel’s amazing modern-day success story despite much opposition. Engage with Israeli business leaders, elected officials, and local pastors and rabbis. Enjoy prophetic teachings on Israel. And pray with leaders from Israel and around the world.
We will have daily live events from the Knesset, Yad Vashem, and other key locales in Israel. There will be special sessions and teachings offered with pastors, government officials, and leaders in the Marketplace from around the world. And take part in prayer sessions with local and international leaders in the Body of Christ
I look forward to welcoming you at ENVISION 2021.
Blessings from Zion!
Dr Jürgen Bühler
President International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
