Ten Commandments for the Home


Windom Minnesota is where our Mom and Dad, Wally and Ruth Moede built our Christian foundation. (I am pictured at the house where I lived in Windom, Minnesota and in front of the tree my Daddy planted when I was born on July 4th, 1956) Mom and and Dad are in heaven now but it is such an awesome blessing that God worked it out that Dave and Denise have Mom and Dad’s home! When I look at the home I think of all of blessings handed down to me, it brings me to tears and drives to me to preach Jesus and share His ways and love with all. Miss you Dave and Denise and all of Windom, the community of Windom is deep in my heart and soul and prayers everyday! Love, Dewey and Sharon. Sister Deb lives in Reading, Minnesota and brother Daryl lives in Rochester, Minnesota. Miss you all! I should add that my grandparents, Dena Moede, Grandpa Moede had passed away before I was born, Grandpa Floyd and Grandma Lena Caraway, the American Lutheran Church, my wonderful Sunday School teachers, the Windom School system, my awesome teachers, and the role models all through out the town helped raise me up! I love how Dave and Denise have taken care of our ‘birth home’! Dad and Mom always said to take care of what God gives you, be a good steward!

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