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Special Ministry Update from Kathy Branzell of National Day of Prayer: 70 Years of Prayer for America

A Special Ministry Update from Kathy Branzell of National Day of Prayer:

Friend —

As I write this letter, I cannot help but reflect on what an unprecedented, and unpredictable year that we are experiencing. Just a few short months ago, we would never have imagined the challenges we would face – as well as the glory of God that we have experienced this year – and the impact that they would have on our individual lives, churches, ministry organizations, and businesses. 

We have all had to learn how to ‘pivot’; leaning into prayer at every turn and change to overcome the obstacles and take advantage of every opportunity that has come our way. We may have been surprised by being shut in and shutdown, but God had been preparing us in prayer. While we stayed inside, our prayers were multiplied and His glory magnified in many ways. Our ‘pivot’ on the National Day of Prayer, was to shift to a virtual national event, which garnered 595,000 views online and had a TV reach of 1.2 billion households across the U.S., Latin America, Europe and throughout the world through partnerships with Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, GodTV, Daystar, Enlace, Revelation TV UK, CBN, TLN and others. Radio partnerships with SiriusXM, Bott, Salem and Moody radio networks, and others helped us achieve a reach of just under 100 million households across the U.S.. When you combine this with the thousands of mostly virtual events held by our volunteer coordinators, we were able engage the largest prayer audience in history. A reminder to us all that He is still God Almighty! His glory cannot be stopped; nothing frustrates His plans for us individually, as a ministry, or as a nation. 

Thank you for your enthusiasm for our new series of “Glory Stories!” God is moving, healing, answering our prayers and we wanted to make sure you heard about some of these incredible stories that spotlight the goodness and glory of Jesus. In addition, we have been posting NDP videos on our NDP social media sites with short devotionals that include Scripture, encouragement, and prayer that have inspired and mobilized unified public prayer for America throughout this year. Our National Prayers in response to the pandemic, and “At the Intersection of Pain and Change” after the death of George Floyd, were circulated and prayed on prayer calls, church services, and in homes across the nation. We received many messages of appreciation for bringing people together to pray in the midst of so much pain. This season of suffering brought many opportunities to mobilize prayer and spread God’s glory and we did not want to pass up a single chance to share the love of Jesus through prayer and compassion.

One of the most amazing days I want to share with you, is the day we received a sweet note and ten dollars in the mail this summer. A passionate prayer warrior in her 80’s who cleans houses for people who “need a little help,” sent us her sacrificial generous gift because she wanted to be a part of all the NDP was doing to pray for America. I wept. It was a modern-day “widow’s mite” moment. Her gift touched my heart deeply, and made me think about how EVERYONE really has something to give to the Lord. I know that this has been an extremely difficult year financially, emotionally, physically, and more. I know that many of our donors cannot afford to give as they have given in the past; know that we are praying for you. But if everyone receiving this letter gave something – a widow’s mite sacrificial gift, it would help to turn our budget around. A major part of our needed budget donations and resource revenue from our promotional tools generally comes in during the months of March, April and May; obviously this did not happen this year but we carried on, being carried by God and trusting Him to touch the hearts of our friends like you who also want to participate in all that we are doing to pray for America. If you’ve supported us through giving or through purchasing promotional tools in the past, we could use your support again now. Would you consider sending us a gift today? Any amount will help and be deeply appreciated.

With that confidence, we are pressing forward into 2021, with great excitement! In fact, we just finished our 2020 Summit, held virtually, where we unveiled our new theme for this next year, Lord Pour Out Your Love, Life, and Liberty, based on 2 Corinthians 3:17, which tells us, ‘Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.’ For as long as the heart has cried out for love, life and liberty, there has been prayer! Throughout all of history and woven into America’s very fabric, the Lord has been our refuge and resource; the Designer, Definer, and Defender of love, life and liberty. Liberty in Jesus sets us FREE from captivity to live and love our God-designed destiny – individually and as a Country.

This year also marks the 70th Anniversary for the establishment of the National Day of Prayer into public law. As a result, the Task Force has humbly led the charge beginning in 1981 with Vonette Bright, then Shirley Dobson, Anne Graham-Lotz, Ronnie Floyd, and now myself. Each one has carried the baton and called America to Biblically inspired prayer, repentance, unity, love, and praying God’s glory – heart’s and voices have continued to cry out to our LORD, knowing the Spirit is the Source and Sustainer of all these. I cannot imagine, what this nation might look like, if these people hadn’t faithfully gone before us and prayed the way for us to mobilize prayer today!

I’m also extremely excited to share with you about the United in Love Campaign, which is being launched to extend the reach and unleash the hearts of our thousands of coordinators who live a Prayer-Care-Share lifestyle. Under the leadership of our new Director of Intercultural Prayer and Missions, Kanita Benson, we are moving into a multi-year, multi-tiered campaign to see the Church united in love and obedience to the design, dignity and demands that we read about in God’s Word. United in Love is not a one-time response to a moment in history. It is the first step toward new levels of reconciliation and rebuilding. Stay tuned as we roll out our Love Beyond Podcast, along with new resources, media and training.

Through these important efforts and collaborative partnerships, we are waiting expectantly upon God to transform whole communities by mobilizing prayer for every leader and influencer in every sphere of influence – in every town, city, and county in America! In fact, one of our generous partners has offered to match of each and every gift given through this letter up to $10,000! That means if you give $25, your $25 will become $50, your $50 will become $100, and your $500 will become $1000! Let me ask you this … will you partner with us financially in this critical season to accomplish this important kingdom work? Will you give a generous gift today to see prayer rise and awakening and revival come?

The year-round work of the National Day of Prayer, all of our efforts, including these new ones, depend upon ministry partners like you – we covet your prayers, your participation, and your generous financial support!

Serving Him with gladness,

Kathy Branzell


P.S. Don’t forget to visit our donation page (click here) to give a matching gift to help us mobilize prayer for awakening and revival in our nation!

If you’d prefer to send your gift through the mail, our address is National Day of Prayer Task Force, P.O. Box 64225, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-4225.



We are excited to announce our theme for the 2021 National Day of Prayer, LORD POUR OUT YOUR LOVE, LIFE, AND LIBERTY!

We are also excited to celebrate the 70th Observance of the Natonal Day of Prayer. We will have special promotional items, resources, and tools available for you soon! Watch for them on our website, when you visit












This month is PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH! Take time to show your pastors how much you appreciate them!

In the weeks leading up to the election, we want to highlight this resource from Intercessors For America. Click on the box to request a Vote Your Values Prayer Guide!

About the National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer tradition predates the founding of the United States of America, evidenced by the Continental Congress’ proclamation in 1775 setting aside a day of prayer. In 1952, Congress established an annual day of prayer and, in 1988, that law was amended, designating the National Day of Prayer as the first Thursday in May.

To learn more, or to find a National Day of Prayer event in your community, visit

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