UPDATED SATURDAY MORNING! PRAY TEAM JESUS! Hospital Beds Full at University of New Mexico Hospital and Other Hospitals Report Alarming Increases


We are in prayer for all those that are ill. We pray for all the family members that cannot visit their loved ones. I just went through that this week with a family, so very, very sad. I am about to leave to preside over a funeral, please pray for Melinda’s family. We also pray for all Doctors and nurses during this very, very stressful time. My angel wife Sharon and daughter Gretchen are nurses here in Albuquerque. Healthcare workers are very, very tired.


We are praying for the family that has lost a child due to COVID…..love of Jesus be with us all….

The youngest New Mexican to die from the illness caused by the novel coronavirus – a teenage girl from Eddy County who was not said to have underlying conditions or be hospitalized.

COVID claims its youngest victim in New Mexico

Hybrid learning could be paused if state doesn’t slow spread of COVID-19

Governor warns expectant mothers may not have desired birth experience as ICU’s fill up


Beds full at UNMH, other hospitals report alarming increases


I am watched the Governors COVID press conference Thursday afternoon. She told us all to stay at home among other things. The Governor on COVID Pandemic “This is most serious emergency New Mexico has ever had.” She could possibly order shutdowns next week if the numbers do not go down, the Governor made that very clear.

NM’s virus spread ‘on fire’

Gov. Lujan Grisham tells New Mexicans to ‘stay home’ to slow the spread of COVID-19


 House GOP blasts Governor for not taking responsibility of COVID crisis

Santa Fe- Today, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham extended the economic shutdown citing concerns over the increase in COVID-19 cases, despite the state having some of the most restrictive public health orders in the nation.  House Republican Leader Jim Townsend and Whip Rod Montoya expressed their apprehensions about the Governor’s continued threats of further economic shutdowns without any discernible public plans on reopening or how to stop the spread in an already hyper-restricted state. According to rt.live (as of Oct. 15), New Mexico has led the nation in virus spread over the past month, while also maintaining some of the nation’s most restrictive health orders.

“The Governor has devastated the economy in New Mexico with her forced economic shutdown, yet the recent COVID cases continue to rise,” said House Republican Whip Rod Montoya.  “At what point does she stop blaming the people of this state, who are under her restrictions, and when do we start holding the Governor accountable for her mismanagement of this crisis?”

Since March, the Governor’s health order mandates have resulted in over 100,000 New Mexicans losing their jobs, thousands of businesses closing, and students across the state being prevented from going to school and participating in athletic activities. The Governor continues to make the politically charged accusation that the President’s administration is somehow responsible for the economic pain being felt across the state, yet she does not take accountability for New Mexico’s collapsing economy, sky-rocketing unemployment, and why the spread is highest in the nation despite the Governor’s strict mandates for shutting down the state.

“Instead of constantly blaming President Trump, the Governor should take responsibility for her own mishandling of the public health orders,” said House Republican Leader Jim Townsend.  “It is time for a different approach that protects our most vulnerable while allowing our kids to go back to school and to allow small businesses to open. The Governor is solely responsible for the economic suffering and disenfranchisement of New Mexicans, not the President.”

Frank Haley of KDAZ-am&fm-KCHF-TV News Reports:

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is worried after New Mexico went from being one of the safest states to one of the worst in the nation. She says it’s forced her to implement more restrictions and bring back old ones. She also says the state will start going after people breaking the rules. New Mexico shattered its previous record for confirmed COVID-19 cases amid fears the state is experiencing a second wave of the deadly virus. Health officials reported Wednesday that the state recorded 577 new coronavirus cases yesterday. That breaks last week’s record  when New Mexico  recorded 488 new cases in a single day. The  Governor announced Tuesday she would renew public health restrictions and warned that more stringent rules could be imposed because of a rise in cases. New rules limit gatherings to five people or less and reduced hotel capacities.  The Governor will hold a news conference this afternoon with the latest on COVID-19.


More than 6,000 scientists have signed an anti-lockdown petition saying that coronavirus policies are causing “irreparable damage.” In my mind the lockdowns are destroying America in so many ways, mental health, our way of life here in America, FREEDOM, the economy, jobs lost, businesses closed forever, education for our children, dreams destroyed…..the list goes on and on……the one that gets me the most is when people cannot be with their loved ones in the hospital, nursing homes or assisted living centers…and when they cannot gather as the loved one passes away. Horrible! I just went through this with a friend. First time as a Pastor I could not go into the hospital, not even into the lobby. I know of two cases where folks laid in the ER for over 24 hours until they got the help they needed!

Over 6,000 Scientists Sign ‘Anti-Lockdown’ Petition Saying It’s Causing ‘Irreparable Damage’

We have a friend that had COVID and after several weeks is still have health problems. We are praying everyday that this pandemic ends. We love you all in JESUS!

There is a lot of what we do not know about COVID, from my research it was developed by China for biological warfare, it got away from them…. China conducting covert biological weapons research, State Dept. says

Too many so called leaders act like fools…it is a disease that is in both the Republican and Democrat party, many say such stupid things, no logic, just emotion junk…….they let their mouth go before seeking God. Many need Jesus!

Proverbs 18:2

A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

Proverbs 29:11

A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.

Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 18:6

A fool’s lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating.

Proverbs 29:9

If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.

 How happy can political leaders really be when they stay in a perpetual state of turmoil? From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: The political environment is about as bad as I’ve ever seen. Regardless of party, people promise good things if they are elected; yet hostility rages and grows more and more. How happy can political leaders really be when they stay in a perpetual state of turmoil? — P.E.

A: Once again, the Bible answers every dilemma known to man. King Solomon in all of his glory was convinced he knew how to find happiness, and because he had vast resources at his command, he pursued happiness most of his life. Wealth, fame, pleasure, power, lavish houses, and a reputation for wisdom — King Solomon achieved it. And yet after gaining everything he had ever wanted, he reluctantly concluded that his life was still empty and without meaning. His search for lasting happiness had failed, and his soul was still empty.

Many people live the same pattern throughout life and are in danger of making the same mistake King Solomon made, convinced that the things of this world will bring happiness and peace. He wrote: “Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure…. Then I looked… and indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind” (Ecclesiastes 2:10-11).

We must not be deceived; these things will never bring contentment. And the reason is because we were made to know God. Later, King Solomon came to this realization. He should have known it sooner; after all, his father, David, was a man after God’s own heart, and Solomon himself had vowed to live according to God’s wisdom.

The world makes a lot of empty promises concerning happiness; what it looks like and how to attain it. But God is truth and He tells us in His Word that true joy comes to those who delight and meditate on the things of God.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


Coronavirus: ‘Long Covid could be four different syndromes’
People with long-lasting effects of coronavirus infection are not being believed or treated, a review says.

Read in BBC News: https://apple.news/AKNuhUiTMS52WgL9vID1Cew

Paris under curfew: Europe reacts as countries see highest-ever coronavirus numbers
President Emmanuel Macron announced nightly curfews for Paris and other cities Wednesday, part of a wave of new coronavirus restrictions in Europe.

Read in NPR: https://apple.news/AIFOiH6xgQfWD6M4SuMvMMw

Who will get the vaccine first? Here’s where you might land in line.
Health officials are wrestling with who should be first to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Is it time to redefine what’s fair?

Read in National Geographic: https://apple.news/AtpBUZ2JVRCmJFPTqkhTA-Q

Shared from Apple News

 How happy can political leaders really be when they stay in a perpetual state of turmoil? From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: The political environment is about as bad as I’ve ever seen. Regardless of party, people promise good things if they are elected; yet hostility rages and grows more and more. How happy can political leaders really be when they stay in a perpetual state of turmoil? — P.E.

A: Once again, the Bible answers every dilemma known to man. King Solomon in all of his glory was convinced he knew how to find happiness, and because he had vast resources at his command, he pursued happiness most of his life. Wealth, fame, pleasure, power, lavish houses, and a reputation for wisdom — King Solomon achieved it. And yet after gaining everything he had ever wanted, he reluctantly concluded that his life was still empty and without meaning. His search for lasting happiness had failed, and his soul was still empty.

Many people live the same pattern throughout life and are in danger of making the same mistake King Solomon made, convinced that the things of this world will bring happiness and peace. He wrote: “Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure…. Then I looked… and indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind” (Ecclesiastes 2:10-11).

We must not be deceived; these things will never bring contentment. And the reason is because we were made to know God. Later, King Solomon came to this realization. He should have known it sooner; after all, his father, David, was a man after God’s own heart, and Solomon himself had vowed to live according to God’s wisdom.

The world makes a lot of empty promises concerning happiness; what it looks like and how to attain it. But God is truth and He tells us in His Word that true joy comes to those who delight and meditate on the things of God.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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