America is a Bit of Hell Right Now…….Abortions, Riots, Plot to Kill a Governor, Wildfires, Drought, Track Hurricane Delta Right Here With AccuWeather


POLITICS IS DESTROYING AMERICA!!!!!!! LOOK TO JESUS!!!!! LOOK WHERE THE POLITICANS HAVE GOTTEN US,  INTO A BIT OF HELL! America right now is under going much destruction in many ways, from COVID, riots, killings, a conspiracy to kill the Governor of Michigan, COVID, Unemployment, Business closings, wildfires and now another hurricane. White Supremacy groups are rising up, militia groups pose a serious threat to America. This attack on our Law Enforcement Officials has got to stop! That crazy ex-NFL Quarterback should be locked up for treason. Colin Kaepernick calls for abolishing the police: ‘A future without the terror of policing and prisons’ Look at the outstanding job the FBI and all of Law Enforcement did in uncovering the plot to kill the Governor of Michigan! PTL! Michigan sheriff spotted at rally with men charged in scheme to kidnap, kill governor

We kill God’s babies and we are fools to expect to be blessed as a nation.

The only peacemaker is JESUS! We are a very extremely divided nation, some say we are near Civil War. If America does not repent and seek the face of Jesus, we are done as a nation.

Sad to report that I think its going to get more ugly in America………….PRAY AMERICA!

 Pastor Carter Conlon of Times Square Church says,“This is a do-or-die moment for America,” he adds urgently. “This is it. We either have a spiritual awakening, or we plunge into darkness. That’s going to be terrifying for most people. Without God’s intervention of mercy, this nation is finished. May God help us. May God have mercy.”

‘The country’s lost its mind’: Polls warning of civil war, violence shows deep partisan chasm over election
One poll of nearly 2,000 registered voters found that nearly half – 47% – disagree with the idea that the election “is likely to be fair and honest.”

Read in USA TODAY:

Karin Lips | USA Today |

After interning in the summer of 2004 for my home state senator in Washington, D.C., I returned to the University of Virginia looking for a group of women who wanted to talk about the issues of the day and welcomed a more conservative perspective. There was a women’s club, a Women’s Studies department, and even a Women’s Center at UVA. But, because I am a conservative woman, my ideas were not fully welcome at the traditional women’s institutions on campus.

Conservative Women Know What It’s Like To Be Mocked. We’ll Defend Amy Coney Barrett

When you look at America from Biblical standpoint NOT A POLTICAL STANDPOIT, we are a mess, a bit of hell on earth. We are a lost nation, going off the cliff. This is what happens when you fall away from God. So many Americans are blinded by POLITICS! Look to JESUS! JESUS is are only hope! AMEN!

We are very thankful for the excellent service of AccuWeather!

Track Delta Right Here With AccuWeather

We continue to pray over all these matters including the severe drought here in New Mexico, range land is all dried in parts of the state, Catron County has been hit hard, ranchers are having to buy hay or sell their cattle. Trees and shrubs are dying in Albuquerque, I see it everyday as I do my rounds. Creeks and rivers going dry including the Rio Grande in spots. NM Drought Status

Folks, if you are not deep watering the roots of your trees and shrubs you are putting them in danger. I did it this week as the conditions here on the west side of Albuquerque are very bad. America is also in a Spiritual Drought!

U.S. Drought Monitor

Prayer For Abundant Rain In Drought
Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, You alone are good and You alone richly provide for all the needs and the necessities of life, and in Your loving-kindness You give us over and above all that we ask or think. Thank You for Your steadfast love and gracious provision to us and to all Your creation.

Forgive us for the times when we have taken Your provision for granted and the times when we have failed to thank You and give You the honour and gratitude that You deserve. Thank You, that even though we have failed to acknowledge all that You give us day by day, You faithfully provide us richly all things to enjoy. But Lord, we come to You now, knowing that we are facing a drought in this region and we ask You to send abundant rain on the earth, which has become dry, thirsty and arid.

Look down in pity our plight we pray. It is not only the plants that are wilting, but even the animals and people in this place are parched and dry. Oh Lord, send us rain. Open the windows of heaven we pray with the sweet rainfall that we so desperately need, and water our land we pray, and we will give You all the praise and glory due to Your holy name,


“You visit the earth and water it abundantly, enriching it greatly. God’s stream is filled with water, for You prepare the earth in this way, providing [people] with grain.”
(Psalm 65:9

Wonderful Prayers For Rain From Knowing Jesus! Thank you! God Bless! Please Click Here

Damage from California’s wildfires estimated at $10 billion, experts say
“We spend about $2.5 billion on CAL FIRE firefighting in the State of California each year,” said Stanford researcher Michael Wara. “If we spend about that much money, we could do a lot to make this problem much less of a kind of frontline crisis.”

Read in ABC7 Bay Area:

Shared from Apple News

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