‘Without God’s Intervention of Mercy, This Nation Is Finished,’ Says Pastor Carter Conlon


‘Without God’s Intervention of Mercy, This Nation Is Finished,’ Says Pastor Carter Conlon

Leader of Times Square Church Invites All to Cry Out to God with Him on Behalf of the U.S.A. on Oct. 6, 2020

NEW YORK—A prayer meeting this October—open to everyone—will occur with one clear goal: to ask God for forgiveness for what we’ve done in America. For how we’ve treated others. For the ways in which our nation has turned against the Lord and squandered the countless blessings He has bestowed on us.

This prayer meeting is one day only. The sole purpose? A heartfelt plea to God for His forgiveness.

Pastor Carter Conlon, general overseer of Times Square Church, is heading to Plymouth, Massachusetts, to lead the prayer for God’s mercy on October 6, 2020. This year marks the 400th anniversary of the historic arrival of the first Pilgrims on our soil, a place where they sought to worship God freely and according to conscience. Pastor Conlon is asking everyone who believes in God, no matter who they are or where they are, to join him online as the Times Square Church Worldwide Prayer Meeting is livestreamed from Plymouth on Tuesday, October 6, from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Eastern.

There is no fee. No registration is needed. “We are going to ask God for a mercy moment for our nation,” says Pastor Conlon. “God called this prayer meeting. The future of America depends on our prayers.”

Adds Pastor Conlon, “God said to me, ‘I want you to come back to this very spot where the nation began. And I want you to ask for forgiveness for what you did with the freedom that I gave you 400 years ago.’”

Pastor Conlon also notes, “We’re simply going to God, to the place where the nation began spiritually speaking, and we’re going to pray and say, ‘Lord, forgive us.’ I’m going to open by listing the sins of America, starting with slavery, and go right on through to the sins of today, including abortion.”

Pastor Conlon adds urgently, “This is a do-or-die moment for America. We either have a spiritual awakening, or we plunge into darkness. Without God’s intervention of mercy, this nation is finished. This is it. May God help us. May God have mercy.”

The Worldwide Prayer Meeting, which occurs weekly, draws prayer requests from thousands of people in over 200 self-reported countries and dependencies throughout the world. It does so via website submission form and text message.

The weekly live prayer meeting is livestreamed every Tuesday at 7 p.m. Eastern at tsc.nyc/webcasts/tuesday-7pm, and on the Times Square Church Facebook page and YouTube channel.

For more information, visit itstimetopray.org.

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