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We Must Have Mercy!


“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people” (2 Chronicles 7:13) 

Everything, I mean everything, that America is facing today is happening because, as a nation, we have rejected God, and coursed our own path laced with selfish lust, greed, hate, and pride.    And beloved, much of the things about America that God is judging, His Bride the Church, has slowly softened toward, and in some cases even embraced, these slaps in the face of God’s Holy Word.

Part of the problem with many of these sins is that they have infiltrated many families.   Nearly every Christian family has been somehow affected by these many issues, and so those precious Christian families began to, without realizing perhaps, love family members involved, close or distant, greater than loving God and His Word.   Jesus warned of this when He spoke of what it would take to be His disciple.  He basically said that our love for Him ought to make all other loves appear to be hate by comparison.

But America’s story does not need to end in tragedy.  The history that is being written today could possibly be edited by a gracious and merciful God.   The Church, (“My people”), could be revived and the nation awakened by the Spirit of God resulting in millions of salvation experiences across the land ending with healing of her now problems.  For He has promised:

   “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”                            

(2 Chronicles 7:14)

Father, forgive us, we don’t know what we are doing.  We don’t even know how to properly seek Your face, neither do we know how to humbly repent.  In mercy, have mercy on us, O LORD; help us to repent.  Revive us again!  In Jesus most Holy Name,  Amen!

Church, for once in more than 60 years, let us right ourselves with God and one another . . . Pray On!

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