MyPillow Guy, Mike Lindell, Donates Book Proceeds to ‘The Return’


MyPillow CEO, Mike Lindell, Donates Book Proceeds to ‘The Return’

Former Crack Addict Turned Millionaire Believes ‘America is Open to Hope of Jesus’ at Landmark Gathering on the National Mall

NEW YORK — Mike Lindell, known to most Americans as the “MyPillow guy,” is donating the proceeds of his new book, What Are the Odds? From Crack Addict to CEO, to “The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance.” Lindell wants to help deliver God’s message of hope to addicts and to raise support for the landmark revival gathering of “The Return” on September 26.

As the founder and creator of MyPillow and an advisory board member of “The Return,” Lindell is sending a copy of his book to everyone who donates at least $25 to “The Return.”

“The Return is America’s moment to unite together in prayer asking God to forgive our nation of the sins we have all committed,” Lindell said. “Right now, in our country, we can ask for healing and forgiveness as we have the biggest opportunity in history: We have addiction. With addiction, the addicts and the addicts’ families are praying for their souls. They’re open to hope. And where is that hope? The hope is in Jesus. We encourage people to attend The Return in person or online, but however people participate, prayer, repentance, hope and healing will be sought after that night, and we know the only One Who can bring someone from rebellion to redemption, from repentance to reformation.”

Lindell is a living, breathing testimony to the redemptive power of God to turn him from a 20-year crack addict into a CEO with a net worth of $300 million. He wants other lost people to find their recovery through Christ as he did.

Like Lindell’s book, “The Return” is an invitation to all Americans to turn from sin back to God through prayer and repentance. Thousands of pastors, congregations and individuals will attend the “The Return” landmark gathering at the National Mall on September 26.

As a thank-you gift, Lindell is sending donors of “The Return” copies of his book, and donors are still able to deduct most of their donation for tax purposes. Examples of the donation and books received are as follows:

  • $25 – 1 book and a $20.00 tax deduction
  • $100 – 4 books and an $80 tax deduction
  • $250 – 10 books and a $200 tax deduction
  • $500 – 20 books and a $400 tax deduction

Donations will benefit the Lindell Recovery Network and “The Return,” which have partnered together to help the addicted and the lost, and to bring America back to God. Supporters may also hear a special phone message by calling **PRAY, or **7729.

Lindell joins Christian leaders from across the country in support of “The Return.” Other leaders include Pastor Kevin Jessip and bestselling author Jonathan Cahn (co-chairs), Michele Bachmann, Pat Boone, Dr. James Dobson, Mark Gonzales, Robert Morris, Marcus Lamb, John Kilpatrick, Pierre Bynum, Gen. William Boykin, Carter Conlon, Bishop Harry Jackson, Alveda King, Anne Graham Lotz, Pat and Gordon Robertson, Kevin and Sam Sorbo, Stephen E. Strang, E. W. Jackson and many more supporters listed at

Coordinated events within “The Return” will also take place throughout America’s cities, towns, houses of worship and homes, as well as in multiple countries around the world, as many believe the nation has been given a critical window of opportunity to repent and return to God.

The following Christian organizations are Partners of Return”: EpicPay, Every Home for ChristFamily Research CouncilFamily TalkGateway ChurchHispanic Prayer Network, House of David MinistriesInciite EventsIntercessors for AmericaJensine Bard MinistriesJohn Kilpatrick Ministries.

Many others Partners of “The Return” include 10 Days, All Pro Pastors International, America’s National Prayer Committee, Anne Graham Lotz & Angel Ministries, Assemblies of God, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Bless Every Home, Calvary Chapel and Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, CBN, Charisma Magazine, Church of God, Collide, CTN, Daystar Television Network, Engage Media Partners, National Day of Prayer, Museum of the Bible, MyPillow, National Christian Foundation, Outreach, Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America, World Evangelical Alliance, Pre-Born!, and Triple Horse Studios.

Visit The Return at or call **pray (**7729) to register and learn more. Follow “The Return” on social media at Facebook: @ReturnEvent2020; Twitter: @2020_Return; and Instagram: @The_Return2020.

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