Civility is not part of American politics and maybe our society. Worst Presidential debate in our history! We are an embarrassment to the world, more importantly our behavior as a Country offends God.
That is what I posted early this morning on my Facebook page. I am still hurting from the chaos of last nights Presidential Debate, but I must say there was nothing PRESIDENTIAL about it! I will put up my love for God and Country against anyone. I was born on July 4th, 1956, I love my God and Country so very much, that is why I am so very disgusted on how God and Country were treated last night, a complete embarrassment. We have offended God. Americans used to laugh at foreign countries and how they behaved, like how the British Parliament would argue widely, but we are now the laughing stock of the world. Our political process is severely broken, it was all exposed last night.
I am sickened that my children and grand children are growing up in an America with such darkness, such chaos.
A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. Proverbs 18:2. My Daddy used to say, “if the shoe fits wear it”
I have said for years that politics is destroying America and many have made it a religion, many have put politicians above God, they say they are Christians but they act like fools.