Bishop Harry Jackson Urges American Church to Unite by Viewing National Strife through ‘Biblical Lens’


Bishop Harry Jackson Urges American Church to Unite by Viewing National Strife through ‘Biblical Lens’

‘We Can Bring Blacks, Hispanics and Asians’ Together; ‘God Wants to Heal America’

NEW YORK — In contrast to the violent riots that have left destructive marks on cities across America in spring and summer of this year, Bishop Harry Jackson — a leading researcher on the Black church and the senior pastor at Hope Christian Church near Washington, DC — is calling on Americans of every race to join others around the world to participate in “The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance.”

“The Return” is a grassroots movement that will bring together thousands of individuals and churches at the National Mall in Washington, DC, on September 26. The landmark gathering will amplify “The Return” movement’s call for all believers from every denomination and background to lead the United States in turning from sin back to God.

Bishop Jackson, an advisory board member of “The Return” and author of A Manifesto: Christian America’s Contract with Minorities (August 2020), says America is at a unique moment in history in which the church can act now to own her future.

“It is time for Christians to come together and build this biblical framework to help all Americans achieve their own destiny,” Jackson said.

“This year we can bring together Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, who are going to be the ‘minority majority’ in just a few years,” he continued. “So, I think it is necessary for us to seize the moment.”

Recognizing 2020 as a year in which tensions have run unusually high in American society, Jackson believes the Lord is poised to redeem and repair the nation’s brokenness.

“I believe God wants to heal America of the things that are floating to the surface and being diagnosed today,” Jackson said. “There is a whole biblical lens in which every Christian can unify, but we need to take action now. We need to vote and shift things now.”

“The Return” is set for 40 days before the presidential election, and on the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower, in the days of America’s founding and dedication to God. Surrounding the “The Day of Return” on Sept. 26 at the Washington Mall will be 10 days, known from ancient times as the Days of Awe, to be set as a special time of prayer and repentance from Sept. 18-28.

Co-chairs of “The Return” Pastor Kevin Jessip and bestselling author Jonathan Cahn were both moved by the Lord with a message of repentance for our nation. Cahn has recorded a special video about the event, which already has nearly two million views. In addition, online resources are available, including videos and downloads for individuals, pastors and churches. Daily devotionals also encourage personal repentance and consecration.

Leaders already on board with “The Return” include Jonathan Cahn and Kevin Jessip (co-chairs), Mike Lindell, Michele Bachmann, Pat Boone, Dr. James Dobson, Mark Gonzales, Robert Morris, Marcus Lamb, John Kilpatrick, Pierre Bynum, Gen. William Boykin, Carter Conlon, Bishop Harry Jackson, Alveda King, Anne Graham Lotz, Pat and Gordon Robertson, Kevin and Sam Sorbo, Stephen E. Strang, E. W. Jackson and many more supporters listed at

Coordinated events within “The Return” movement will also take place throughout America’s cities, towns, houses of worship and homes, as well as in multiple countries around the world, as many believe the nation has been given a critical window of opportunity to repent and return to God.

The following Christian organizations are Partners of “The Return”CBNCharisma MagazineChurch of GodCollideChristian Television NetworkDaystar Television NetworkEngage Media PartnersEpic PayEvery Home for ChristFamily Research Council.

Other Partners of “The Return” include 10 Days, All Pro Pastors International, America’s National Prayer Committee, Anne Graham Lotz & Angel Ministries, Assemblies of God, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Bless Every Home, Calvary Chapel, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, Family Talk, Gateway Church, Hispanic Prayer Network, House of David Ministries, Inciite Events, Intercessors for America, Jensine Bard Ministries, John Kilpatrick Ministries, National Day of Prayer, Museum of the Bible, MyPillow, National Christian Foundation, Outreach, Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America, Redigging the Wells of Revival, World Evangelical Alliance, Pre-Born!, and Triple Horse Studios.

Visit The Return at or call **pray (**7729) to register and learn more. Follow “The Return” on social media at Facebook: @ReturnEvent2020; Twitter: @2020_Return; and Instagram: @The_Return2020.

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