Touching The Flame… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Touching The Flame…

Good morning beautiful people. I love to read and am re-reading the book penned by Brian Lake Romancing the King. I first met Brian at a Passion For His Presence Conference in Fort Kent, Maine. He is the Senior Pastor of Keeper of The Flame International Church in Hagerstown, MD. I have had the honor to interview Pastor Brian on Destiny Moments Radio Broadcast a few times.

This morning, I read the same paragraph over and over and over. He states God is not seeking apostles, prophets, teachers, or evangelists. He is seeking worshippers in spirit and in truth. It brings my mind to services that I attended back in the 90’s where people were instantly healed in the presence of God. It was during the worship where His presence was so apparent all you could do was worship Him. I know as Christians God is always with us, but He desires more. He wants intimacy, He wants our whole heart, He wants fellowship.
So many times we give him our long list of prayer requests, but when was the last time we asked Him what was on His heart? Today, let’s ask Him in prayer.

Father, Your Word tells us in John 4:23-24 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in Spirit and in truth.

Father, we worship you in spirit and in truth. We want to know what is on your heart today. We desire to know you more intimately. Your heart, oh God, is our hearts desire. We give you all of our heart today. (Do you?) You gave your very life for us.

Father, we submit every part of our being to your will for our lives. Your plan is our plan, Your heart is our hearts desire. We worship you because you are so worthy. Forgive us God for when we made other things more important than our worship. Our callings, our gifting’s, nothing is as important that entering into Your presence, the presence of our King. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Worship Him deeper today, He is so worthy.


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