PRAY TEAM JESUS! Dome Fire Burns Over 20,000 Acres in Mojave National Preserve, Firefighters Face 115 Degree Heat!


Pray Team Jesus, Firefights today will face predicted 115 degree heat!

A wildfire fire burning in the northern section of the Mojave National Preserve burned more than 20,000 acres by Sunday evening.

Southern California Air Operations, which is providing air support on the Dome Fire. Crews today will face 115 degree heat!

Death Valley National Park, meanwhile, recorded a preliminary high of 130 degrees at 3:41 p.m. If verified, the NWS said it will be the hottest official temperature since July 1913, also at Death Valley.

Dome Fire up to 20,000+ acres in Mojave National Preserve

Worst Heat in 70 Years Threatens to Take Down California’s Grid
One of the most extreme heat waves in generations is smothering California this week and pushing the region’s power grid to the brink of collapse.

Read in Bloomberg:

Shared from Apple News

   Gracious and merciful Heavenly Father, once again, California burns, and once again, we desperately need You to act with compassion toward the many panic stricken people.   There are many points of our state burning out of control for days on end.  Please be the Protector of life in this alarming time of year.   I thank You LORD, that You have chosen and gifted people who perform in life as our first responders; these being firemen, pilots, policemen, medical helpers of every specialty.  Please grant them an abundance of Your supernatural courage, and Your protection in their courage.  Settle down their hearts so that they may perform as they have been trained to the best of their abilities.

Will You not give favor to those whose homes are in harm’s way?  It would be a celebrated act of kindness if You would save homes as well as many people.   Then, Father, my compassion goes out to all the children.   They have more than enough fear of their own without also taking on the panic of their parents and other adults.   We rest in Your divine loving care, In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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