Please Pray Team Jesus For Our Dear Freind and Mentor Wanell Pate


The picture at the very top was taken years ago at an KKIM Radio News and Views presentation, before FGGAM was established. From left to right Dear Friends Rick Stambaugh, Bob Pate, Wannel Pate, Josie Holt, Pastor Paul Holt and some funny looking guy! Please keep Rick Stambaugh’s lovely wife Sandy in your prayers as she continues on the road to recovery from a very serious auto accident! Thank you so very much!

This is very emotional for me as I so much love the people who have help guide me and Sharon for years and years. I have a saying “Lord, please help me not do anything stupid today.” Our reputations can be gone in 5 seconds in these days. People do not forgive like they used to even when you correct yourself in seconds. We have got to make sure that everything we preach, write and talk about is of God, not us.  We need Godly people around us to guide us through this Spiritual Warfare we are in. One of the folks that has helped guide me and Sharon for the last 13 or more years, I am getting old, dates are hard for me to pin down sometimes, is Wanell Pate. I first met Wanell at the Church of God in Los Lunas, New Mexico where she served as the Adult Sunday School teacher. Man! Did I learn a lot of her, her teachings made for excellent preaching material.

Wanell and her hubby Bob both served on the Board at the Church of God, where my friend Pastor Jim Montoya was the Pastor. I later would become Associate Pastor of the Church under Pastor Jim, who would also teach me much! When we started FGGAM 8 years ago this month the Lord showed me to ask Wanell to serve on the FGGAM Board. By the way Wanell was elected as the first woman board member at the Church she now attends. I always say that if were not for the women of the Church there would be no Church! Sharon and I have been so super blessed by the Lord by the people He has put in our lives. I took Bob Pate to FBC in Reserve a few months ago and boy oh boy did a give a powerful testimony!

This morning will you pray for Wanell as she continues to recover from COVID, she got very, very, sick. I talked to her two times this week and she is getting better but it is a very slow, slow process. Please also pray for Bob and the entire family. Thank you so very much Team Jesus for your prayers! We pray to the Lord for continued healing for Sister Wanell, peace and comfort, thank you Lord for this strong Woman of God, thank you for her loving hubby Bob and family, in Jesus name we give thanks, Amen!

What Does it Mean to be a Woman of God?

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