FGGAM’s Eighth Anniversary


Sub-Title:   “If Only One . . .”

Traditionally, bronze is the theme of the eighth anniversary gifting for traditional marriages.  All kinds of items made from bronze are fair game.


The discovery of bronze made it possible for ancient people to create useful objects of metal that were tougher and more long-lasting than formerly possible.   Bronze items such as tools, weapons, armor, and building materials were far superior to their stone and copper prototypes.

Well, when I consider the eighth anniversary of FGGAM (For God’s Glory Alone Ministries) and its leadership, Dewey and Sharon Moede, I think of them as God’s tough and long-lasting tools and weapons to reach the specific targets of His world.  Through website, podcasts, social media, radio, revivals, newspaper, preaching and much more, Brother Dewey aims at the world, and yet targets the individual for Jesus Christ.

After sharing with me the far reaching effects of FGGAM in the world, he passionately concluded by sharing of a young man brought into the church by God for the purpose of giving him an opportunity to engage in the Life of Christ.   This was a grand and timely salvation experience, (as they all are), as this young man went on to glory not long after.  I thank God for His loving and gracious mercy to save, and Brother Dewey’s desire to be used of God for the individual.

I have been on radio, TV, internet talk shows, and produced training videos.  In each of these tools of ministry, I have often wondered: Is anyone out there?  Are they listening or viewing? 

Many, many years ago, while pastor of my first church, which happened to be way out in the country, my family and I lived in the parsonage on the church property.  We had only been on the field about three months when a great rain hit the area for days causing extensive flooding in the area.  All of the roads surrounding the church were flooded and greatly damaged.  No one was allowed to attempt traversing any of the closed roads.   There were no guarantees that anyone could make it for Worship, but I prepared as though thousands would arrive.  For months it was only my family who attended.

In those days I coined a phrase to satisfy my mind that all sermon and teaching preparations were worthwhile.   “If only one . . .!”

That is the heart that I sense lives in my friend, Dewey Moede.  It is that heart that makes FGGAM a joy to be a part of, though in a small way.

Dewey, Sharon, FGGAM, Happiest of Anniversaries in this eighth year!   Never forget:

“If Only One . . .

            reads . . .

            listens . . .

            watches . . .

            is touched, it is enough to keep on keeping on!

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