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Farmers Are Hurting in The Midwest

Let us pray for all farmers and the rural communities of America! I love rural America, the backbone of the U.S.A.!!!
Pictured above is my Grandpa Floyd and Lena Caraway’s farm, I also have included a picture of them. Grandpa and Grandma farmed it for years then turned it over to Uncle Wayne and Aunt Doris, when Uncle Wayne passed away  Rick and Barb Nelson took over. Barb is my cousin. The farm is one of the best! The farm is 7 miles south of Windom, Minnesota which is my hometown.
Rural towns’ economies rest on farming: “It doesn’t matter what you do in North Dakota, your income is based somehow off of agriculture,” said farmer Tyler Stafslien.

Farmers in Midwest are hurting: ‘I don’t see an end in sight’

Buffeted by a two-year trade war, followed by a disappointing — at least so far — trade deal and then a worldwide pandemic, there aren’t a lot of farmers, or rural communities, feeling flush right now.
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