Building Your Christian Foundation


This morning on the House of Hope I want to share a bit with you on building a Christian Foundation. One of the reasons I love my hometown of Windom, Minnesota is that is where my Christian foundation was built. I have people tell me that, “You sure love your hometown!’ Yes I sure do! I am forever grateful for growing up in Windom! One of the main reasons I preach is because I want every child to have the growing up that I had!

Before God could transform your life, you had to make the decision to allow God to transform you. With that decision, you repented of your sins. Repenting means turning away from sin and turning toward God and obeying His Word. It is a complete 180-degree turn. The first step in building a solid foundation in Christ is repenting of our sins and asking God to forgive us.

After we have repented of our sins and asked forgiveness, Satan seems to think he can entice you back to sin. The temptation will not just go away on its own because you asked for forgiveness. Part of repentance is turning away from sin and not turning back around to it. To not be tempted to turn back may mean that you have to cut out what has hindered you, held you back, and caused you to struggle.

Tune in now, Please!

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