It is really awful that leading Democrats in New Mexico attacked Sheriff Gonzales for going to seek help from President Trump and Attorney General Barr! Shameful! Many of these folks have had years to offer solutions!!!!! All I see is Albuquerque is so very violent and people are being killed! Families destroyed forever! These Democrats really showed their true colors, even eating their own as the Sheriff is a Democrat!
I want to thank Patrick Hayes and KOB TV for presenting Sheriff Manny’s side!
Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales returned to Albuquerque on Thursday after meeting with President Donald Trump and U.S. Attorney General William Barr.
Gonzales told KOB 4 he was invited to the White House last week but didn’t know what to expect. BCSO Sheriff Gonzales says Albuquerque needs help fighting crime, welcomes federal agents
Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales says he’s planning on running for Mayor of Albuquerque. More »
Survey: APD officers are ‘down in the dumps’
From Thursday:

We pray for the end of violence in America!
Trump Announces Surge of Federal Agents to Chicago, Albuquerque to Combat Rise in Violent Crime
President: Operation Legend will target violent crime
Pres. Trump announces plans to expand Operation Legend to Albuquerque
FBI announces reward in slain ABQ woman’s killing as part of ‘Operation Legend’
Trump to send agents to Chicago and Albuquerque, setting up clash
President Donald Trump said he will expand a federal law enforcement operation to Chicago and Albuquerque, New Mexico, setting up a rhetorical showdown with state and local leaders, if not an actual one.
Read in Bloomberg:–NFnIcwwzosQ
Shared from Apple News
Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales goes to Washington D.C. to meet with President Trump and AG Barr……..
My head is swimming on this one, many of the politicians make my head swim….Sheriff Manny is a Democrat right? Martin is a Democrat right? Albuquerque Mayor Keller is a Democrat right? They are eating their own. To me Sheriff Manny was doing what any good Law Enforcement Official would do! I’m going to seek help anyway I can for my County that is filled with extreme violence! Many Governors and Mayors have done nothing to stop the extreme wickedness in our Country! Many sit on their hands! New Mexico is very violent, we even have a militia roaming the state. I would say Martin you need to resign because you have done nothing to help us with all the killings and violence!
These politicians are upset because they want to make all this a political deal, it is time to put the hammer down on this awful violence in America, it is not time to stand still and speak ‘nothing noise”. My goodness, these thugs are doing is destroying America! They are all upset that if the violence goes down President Trump will get part of the credit. America used to be know as a law and order country, we are now a lawless country! We make every thing a political issue!
This is crazy the Sheriff goes for help and gets assaulted by so called leaders……
I see those videos coming out of Portland it looks like a third world country or worse…….
We all know what happened in Minneapolis……the killing of George Floyd and all the burning of buildings and looting…
Chicago has gone to hell Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot tweets against Trump as bullets fly outside funeral home
What more can I say?
If you break the law you should go to jail!
Weak leaders means more crime, it seems to me you can burn down half a city and never see jail, or you can burn a Church and never go to jail and on and on we go…….time to take of the Mister Rogers sweaters! Go talk to those thugs Martin….very easy to criticize from your cushy office in D.C.
The only Governor that has shown any strength is South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem! I pray that she runs for President one day! She has my vote! Her quote of “Not on my watch” Noem said that after the thugs threatened Mt. Rushmore! Enough of this thuggery! The Governor of Minnesota and the Mayor of Minneapolis proved themselves to be cowards.
Where is all this going to land? More of the same or will we finally address the criminal activity in our country?
Sheriff’s visit to Trump White House draws ire
We are in constant prayer for America, which has become a lawless society.
July 21, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A new interactive map is keeping track of attacks “on Catholic statues, parishes and persons in North America in 2020.” Launched by Complicit Clergy, an organization of laypeople attempting to hold Catholic clergy accountable for sexual perversion and corruption, the new project already lists over 50 incidents in the United States and Canada.
Readers can click on each pin on the map to find out more about the incident.
Just a few days ago, a White House official stated that the “criminals” who have violently attacked Catholic religious symbols will be prosecuted “to the fullest extent of the law,” according to the Daily Caller.
Interactive map shows growing number of Catholic churches, statues being attacked
Federal agents deploy to Chicago as big-city mayors decry involvement
The Trump administration plans to send federal law enforcement to Chicago as part of an effort to crack down on gun crime, as leaders in several Democratic-controlled cities worried about the presence of federal agents on their streets following confrontations with demonstrators in Portland, Ore.
Read in The Wall Street Journal: