Dewey Moede
I have had this in draft for over a week, praying over it…..the message that we have here at FGGAM, now for almost 8 years is it is all about JESUS! Not us or our Time for the walls of denominations to come down. We are in such bad shape in America. Years ago when Pastor Jim Montoya was training me up to be a Pastor at the Church of God in Los Lunas, NM his main message was to carry out the Great Commission, PREACH IT! LIVE IT!
Man! I am so very thankful for the training in 2007-2009, in 2009 I became a Pastor. Then 8 years ago this August God pulled me out of radio, which I had done for more than 40 years, Radio taught me great skills of communication how to love on people, how to listen to them. The Lord called me and Sharon to FGGAM, full-time ministry, we operate out of our home, we have so many wonderful writers for God here at FGGAM, from all over America! Sahron and I love being servants of our Lord. I love to Preach wherever the Lord sends me! This month I’m at FBC in Reserve, NM and FBC in Glenwood, NM. I still do radio, “House of Hope” on five radio stations back home, reaching parts of eastern South Dakota, sw Minnesota and northern Iowa. We also do newspaper ministry in the Windom, Minnesota and Chama, NM newspaper. We also post our ministry program on SoundCloud. It will be 8 years ago this December since I started filling in at FBC in Reserve! I have come to love all these folks and the surrounding communities of Catron County. This month I will also be preaching at FBC in Glenwood.
With our website and all the social media we do, radio, newspaper, preaching, revivals, counseling, all our ministry duties that have been assigned to us by the Lord we reach well over 30,000 people a month (Based on our Jetpack, SoundCloud, Facebook, social media counts) sometimes more we exceed that. I try to be very conservative in using figures like this, learned that from my radio days.
We are so very blessed to have so many writers for GOD at FGGAM! All of the writers for God at FGGAM volunteer their time and their God given talents to fulfill the Great Commission. FGGAM is all fired up in carry that out the Great Commission! Will you join us? Srtand up in love for JESUS! AMEN!
Our readers and listeners are from all over God’s green earth. On this Monday our top countries were America, United Kingdom, Philippines, India, Jamaica, Canada, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa and China! (Figures by Jetpack)
When you support FGGAM with you love offerings, you are supporting a worldwide ministry!
We have the best Board of Directors in the world, Vice Chairman Bill Ruhl, Wanell Pate, Barbara Gould and Sonja Haylett. We also have an advisory board made up of many folks around the country!
Here is what I put in draft days ago…….God said to publish it now……….
Good morning From Albuquerque! We have been up since 3am reporting on news and inspiration! Did you know we are the only full time Christian news service in New Mexico? Our news and inspiration news department is open 7 days a week, with writers all over America. We do not boast in ourselves but our great God almighty who we serve! Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” 1 Cor 1:31 Our combined news experience is way over 100 years here at FGGAM.ORG We stand in the gap for God.
Many Christian radio and TV stations do not have a news department, no local/regional news. Some just take a national news feed and that is it. My Dear Freind Frank Haley still does the news in Albuquerque on KDAZ-am&fm-KCHF-TV Monday through Friday.
God established FGGAM.ORG 8 years ago this August to stand in the gap for Him. A Biblical Worldview. We have readers and listeners all over God’s creation.
If secular media controls the media what do we expect? Secular media is not what Christians should be watching or hearing, it is not a Biblical Worldview. I was in Christian radio for years, I am sorry what has happened to the stations I managed, they no longer do news.
I will never understand why many Christian radio and Tv stations do not have a news department. We should have the best news departments in ther world. When I was with WFRN and then KKIM we had the best news department in the market! Now is the time to be stronger than ever and use every tool that God has provided to share GOD with all!
From Barna Research: Although 7 out of 10 Americans consider themselves to be Christian, just 6% actually possess a biblical worldview.
Just one-fifth of those attending evangelical Protestant churches (21%) have a biblical worldview, as compared to one-sixth of those attending charismatic or Pentecostal churches (16%). The study finds even smaller proportions in mainline Protestant (8%) or Catholic (1%) churches.
The number of American adults holding a biblical worldview has declined by 50% over the past quarter century.
Regarding the youngest adult generation, the numbers are even more startling. A mere 2% of those 18 to 29 years old possess a biblical worldview.
We are thankful for your prayers, love and support. If you would be so moved to support our efforts, you can give a love offering at FGGAM.ORG We love you all.
My life verse……..“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24