America Has “Soul Sickness”


I preach on the soul often. America is losing its soul…we kill babies….through abortion….many other Satanic things we do as a Country are “Soul Sickness” Many do not care at all. This is why the Church must go forth boldly and carry out The Great Commission. Onward Christian Soldiers!

 How is it possible to restore a patient’s hope?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: A medical journal carried a story about a frequently missed diagnosis called “Soul Sickness.” Some physicians stated that the cure is to restore the patient’s hope. How is this possible? – R.H.

A: The human body is the house in which the soul resides temporarily. The soul is never completely satisfied and happy here, because the soul is not home yet. The true home of the soul is with Christ.

The Bible teaches that everyone has a soul (spirit) with certain attributes such as conscience, memory, intelligence and consciousness. Your soul is the real you. But one day our bodies will go to the grave, but our souls live on.

“Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

Jesus said our souls are more valuable than all the rest of the world put together. Why then do people spend so much time and energy pampering body but ignore the soul? It only leads to spiritual starvation and malnourishment. God is calling out to all people to take care of our souls – the inner self – by receiving Him into our lives and feeding on the Word of God; letting His Spirit transform us from within.

God knows that an uncontrolled life is an unhappy life, so He puts reins on our wayward souls that they may be directed into the paths of righteousness. Someday life will be over, no matter how much attention we give to our health. Will we look back with regret, because we nourished our bodies but starved our souls?

“Humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls” (James 1:21, NLT). This is true hope that only comes from the love of God.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)




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