The Power Of A Mother… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


The Power Of A Mother…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. This morning I sit waiting for the power (electricity) to come back on. At 3 AM everything went dark. The house feels cold and I am bundled warmly as the clock ticks on. The heavy snow must have taken down some lines on this 10th day of May, the day called Mother’s Day.

Women are powerful beings. Mother’s are incredible people. I like to joke and say when God made man, he said this is good, but let’s kick this up another notch. So, he made woman. Then he said, wow, this is great, perfect, beautiful and I am well pleased. Just kidding. We are all made in the image of God.

Let’s pray for mother’s today. May God’s richest blessing be upon them.

Father, may the Lord bless every mother today. May you keep them and may you cause your face to shine upon them and be gracious to them; may you, oh God, lift up their countenance and give them peace. (Numbers 6: 24-26)

Father, for every woman today, a mom, a mom to be, a single mom, and mom that has suffered loss, every type of mom, thank you for blessing them with your presence. You are the key to everything they will encounter in life.

Father, unlock the heart of mothers today that may be experiencing a setback, loss of personal power. May they rest assured you see right where they are at and you are calling them to draw close. (James 4:8)

Father, thank you for motherhood. It was your idea from the very beginning of time. (Psalm 139). Amen

Have a blessed Mother’s Day God’s beautiful people. You are powerful. Bless a mother today!

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