America is sick and tired, over 30 million unemployed, many businesses have closed for good, a major city is on fire, never to be the same, Churches cannot completely open, America will never be the same, America is going down a very sad, sad, bad, bad journey. This is not about politics, its about JESUS and America, many do not know Him here. I had an elderly Pastor here in New Mexico tell me years ago the Churches number problem in America was that it was not baptizing enough people and then training them up, it takes glory in the numbers but not in training people up to be mature Christians. I will say to my grave that part of the downfall of America is it made politics its god. What you focus on is what you become. We think we are okay with God, when we abort His babies? When innocent people are killed by Police? When racism rages on in America???…………….When we allow such evil to take root, it is all of our faults. I will never be a popular Pastor/News Reporter….as I take a Biblical Worldview not a Political Worldview. I am not here to be popular, I am here to serve my God and listen to Him constantly on what to do and say.
From the American Pastors Network:
Throughout the program, Rohrer and Barna discussed the key findings of “The American Worldview Inventory,” which Barna led in his role at the Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University (ACU). The research is the first wave of what will be an annual survey. The assessment is based on 51 worldview questions, examining both beliefs and behavior, which were provided to a nationally representative sample of 2,000 adults.
Barna has called the research the “most sophisticated nationwide survey of worldview conducted in the United States.” Results include the following:
- Although 7 out of 10 Americans consider themselves to be Christian, just 6% actually possess a biblical worldview.
- Just one-fifth of those attending evangelical Protestant churches (21%) have a biblical worldview, as compared to one-sixth of those attending charismatic or Pentecostal churches (16%). The study finds even smaller proportions in mainline Protestant (8%) or Catholic (1%) churches.
- The number of American adults holding a biblical worldview has declined by 50% over the past quarter century.
- Regarding the youngest adult generation, the numbers are even more startling. A mere 2% of those 18 to 29 years old possess a biblical worldview.
“The fact that fewer than one out of five born-again adults hold a biblical worldview highlights the extensive decline of core Christian principles in America,” Barna said.
Among the differentiating factors between the new study and previous research, he noted, is the more robust measurement of action.
“In the American Worldview Inventory, we measure not just beliefs, but also the application of those beliefs—our behavior—because people do what they believe,” Barna added. “If you truly believe something, you integrate into how you live, and your lifestyle reflects those beliefs. As a result, our research always balances examining both what we believe to be true with how we translate such beliefs into action.”
I am weeping at this violence……Will this be a wake up call to America? We are a racist Country. We are a hateful country. We are a Divided Country. Politics has become a god to many. Politics has buried America in hate and division. Who will we the peacemaker? Jesus is my peacemaker, but many do not know Him in America. America has become like a ‘third world country’. We need missionaries to come here and share JESUS with us. I pray for a peacemaker for America. I pray for the next Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Billy Graham…..The Church is losing its influence everyday in America. The Church needs to look outside of its walls and see with the eyes of Jesus that Satan is having his way with America, bite by bite. The Church has failed to address racism. JESUS is always the answer. The Church has more stuff than ever in the history of our Country…but what difference has that stuff made? Like fancy big buildings, more programs on the agenda than I can count, more music, pep rallies, books, CD’s, status seems to be a big deal with too in the Church, what difference has this made for God? Where is the fruit?
Some, maybe many People will hate me for this post, but that is okay, I am here for God. I report what God tells me to report. I work for that carpenter that many Americans do not know, He is my boss.
Remember what John Wesley did on horseback!!! He helped change the world for JESUS! Look at the Church today it has more STUFF than carter has liver pills, but where is the fruit?
We all need to do a lot of soul searching….we need to make sure we are in line with God’s Will and not ours. We all need to look in the mirror.
Billy Graham once wrote in his book, World Aflame: “In Christ the middle wall of partition has been broken down. There is no Jew, no Gentile—no black, white, yellow, or red. We could be one great brotherhood in Jesus Christ. However, until we come to recognize Him as the Prince of Peace and receive His love in our hearts, the racial tensions will increase, racial demands will become more militant, and a great deal of blood will be shed. The race problem could become another flame out of control!”
In Minnesota you have a Governor, Mayor and Police force that has lost complete control……
Gallery: People cheered as the plywood on the door at Wells Fargo went up in flames near the Fifth Precinct in Minneapolis Friday night.