OPINION: “Braggarts Are Promising to Defy the Governor Even Some of My Christian Brothers”

I asked Pastor Alan Hawkins of New Life City Church in Albuquerque if I could post this message from his Facebook page. In checking with my Pastor friends/mentors in the last couple of days they agree with Pastor Alan. I also agree with Pastor Alan when he says below, “It is time to endure a little longer. Endurance produces character not rebellion. Character produces hope, not defiance. Hope will be rewarded with the love of God flowing from our hearts.” It pains me very much to not be able to go to FBC in Reserve and Preach, the folks at FBC are like family to me and Sharon, but we will endure, “Keep Calm and Serve The Lord. I have known Pastor Alan for years, he did a program on KKIM Radio when I managed the station. We have remained friends, I know His heart for the Lord and people.
Alan Hawkins

When this thing got going my heart was settled that we would be sheltering in at least until June 1. It is not something my heart embraces. It is not something my mind says is necessary. However, we did this for neighbor love and because we have concern for our own people who are vulnerable. Every day it chafes me more and my restlessness increases.

Now the chest puffing braggarts are promising to defy the governor even some of my Christian brothers. Shall we? No, emphatically, No! This is not a conspiracy and it is not the end of our freedoms. It is a hard season. We are being asked to go another mile, perhaps more. What will proud defiance accomplish at this moment? Well it might make you look better in the eyes of those you want to impress. It might make you feel powerful. You might even get away with it and be able to claim that you are right.

Endurance won’t kill you and impatience just might. We are closer to the goal. We are frustrated so it is time to rejoice in suffering. It is time to give thanks. It is time to endure a little longer. Endurance produces character not rebellion. Character produces hope, not defiance. Hope will be rewarded with the love of God flowing from our hearts. Keep your powder dry New Mexico. We will all be needed when this thing turns. We will all need each other. Christ died for us. We can live for him and for one another.

So, I am grumbling inside, cause that’s what I do. But I am manning up outside because I am a disciple not the Master and because the Holy Spirit has been given to us. Think on it.

Pastor Alan Hawkins

New Life City Church

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