“If Only” Living


Joni and Friends
“If Only” Living

by Joni Eareckson Tada

“Abraham said to God, ‘If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!’”

Genesis 17:18

I admit it. I would be the first to line up with Abraham as one of those guilty of buying things from the Do-It-Yourself Depot of life. Something’s broke? Here, I’ll fix that. Someone’s hurting? I can solve that problem. Someone’s mad? No worry, I’ll talk to them. It seems I have an unflagging spirit to make right that which seems wrong. My friends have to warn me from time to time, “Now, don’t try to fix this. I’m just sharing it with you so you can pray.”

It’s too bad Abraham didn’t listen to his friend, the Lord. Though he had been promised a son, Abraham sought a solution apart from God. And Abraham knew he had made a mistake in his haste to please God. You can hear his regret in those words if only: “If only my solution were pleasing to you. If only my way had been the right way. If only my idea were good enough.”

God would not abide by Abraham’s solution. It was to be done God’s way, as he had promised—Abraham and Sarah would have a son. He ultimately fulfilled that promise, but not without Abraham’s regret seeding the ground of strife between Isaac and Ishmael. Abraham’s do-it-yourself solution has repercussions even in our day. The Middle East might be a safer place had Abraham trusted fully.

What has God promised you? Are you attempting to fulfill that promise with a do-it-yourself life? No matter how tempting a solution appears, always, always stop to ask God. Compare it with his Word, his character, his Spirit. Anything short of complete trust in God’s instructions will ultimately lead to regrets. “If only” living is no living at all.

What does it take for me to remember, Lord, that I don’t have to fix your Word or “hurry it up” to make everything turn out right? You don’t need a helping hand. So please bind my heart to believe your promises and obey your commands. I can’t live any other way.

Taken from More Precious than Silver

By Joni Eareckson Tada

Copyright © 1998
Published in Print by Zondervan, Grand Rapids

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version.

For More Inspiration…

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