Angel Brings Another Powerful Message to the World With Guest Dr. Eugene May


Angel brings another powerful message to the world. Listen in as she interviews Dr. Eugene May on Destiny Moments. Eugene May is the founder of Eagles Wings Ministries [USA] and Eagles Wings Evangelistic Ministries [Canada]. Eugene began to preach in Southern Baptist Churches as the age of fifteen. He was ordained in 1964 as a Southern Baptist pastor. In March of 1973 he and his wife, Sherry, received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and began ministering healing, miracles, and prophecy. In 1996, he was diagnosed with colon cancer and after surgery was told that the cancer had spread throughout his body. Eugene and Sherry prayed the prayer of faith and held to there faith and days later the cancer was gone and has not returned.

Eugene is recognized as an Apostle and Prophet and is a part of Apostolic Resource Ministries, a fellowship of ministers. He travels to the world with an emphasis on English, French, and Spanish nations. He has published on book entitled, A Man Used Of God, and he writes consistently on FaceBook and posts videos on both FaceBook and YouTube. The FaceBook and YouTube addresses are simply Eugene May.

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