Pure Peace

I want to thank my Dear, Dear Brother in Christ, Rodney Byam from Windom, Minnesota for forwarding this to me!!! Lover you bro! Thank you for sharing this writing by Robyn Davis Willard!

Some thoughts I had while walking at the Federal wildlife trail that I wanted to put into words.

A beautiful scene. Peaceful. Picture perfect. absolutely serene.

Pure Peace.

The sun was warm and penetrating my skin and bones. As I walked my eyes saw 2 swan take flight off of the water. They were in complete unison of each other as they soar over the water. They seemed to not have a single care in the world. Their beauty and grace brought a smile to my face. I shook my head at myself almost in disbelief while I reminded myself that this is God’s creation and I am part of it. I get to witness it with my very own eyes.

Pure joy.

I was also reminded in that moment of the truth that I have hidden in my heart for years. The truth of God’s word, that He is with me and He is for me. “Be still and know that He is God”. It is as if God was there walking beside me and told me these words from Matthew 6, ” Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you much more valuable than they?”

Pure Hope.

This is the hope that I have in Christ. The promise.


Thank you Lord for eyes to see you, and know that you hold me, and I can rest in that and have peace, joy, and hope.

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