Still Climbing Mount Sinai
Exactly one year ago Wendy had a Car-T Cell procedure for Multiple Myeloma at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC. She is now, not only one year in remission, but without cancer. It is MRD negative.I have not been on FB in a long time and I have not forgotten you. I chose to go quiet, but not today.
Thank you for your prayers and concern. Thank God for you and all medical people involved. God has healed Wendy and is continuing to heal her. She, we, are a work in progress.Great healing began for us here. There is more to come. There also is more coming to New York City. He heals more than the disease even COVID-19 , but the “crooked places’ in the heart and mind that ‘pre existed’ prior to the disease.Wendy and I are a kind of first fruits for healings in NYC and worldwide. I speak of entire healings He offers to us all.
Thank you for your prayers and concern. Thank God for you and all medical people involved. God has healed Wendy and is continuing to heal her. She, we, are a work in progress.Great healing began for us here. There is more to come. There also is more coming to New York City. He heals more than the disease even COVID-19 , but the “crooked places’ in the heart and mind that ‘pre existed’ prior to the disease.Wendy and I are a kind of first fruits for healings in NYC and worldwide. I speak of entire healings He offers to us all.
“Love each other as I have loved you”
“I have not forgotten you see I have engraved you into the palms of My Hands”