Is the Bible a Guidebook for Life and Death Leading to Eternity?


Tribune Content Agency

Is the Bible a guidebook for life and death leading to eternity?

Mar 24, 2020

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I grew up thinking the Bible was a book about right and wrong, but someone told me it was a guidebook for life and death leading to eternity. Which is it? — R.W.

A: There’s a stretch of highway going up into the mountains of North Carolina that was under construction for many years. It is rugged terrain. The Department of Transportation had the monumental task of blasting through boulders and mangled tree roots to carve a road. Vehicles were caught in rockslides and temporary road closings. Lights flashed through the night, with marked signs: Proceed with Caution: Danger Ahead, as instructions guided drivers through the winding and twisted maze.

When travelers got to the top of the mountain a sign was posted: “Welcome to the High Country” with another sign that said: “End of Construction.” Travelers were relieved to know they’d arrived safely at their destination.

Life can be a dangerous journey. The destination of the soul is of utmost importance to God, so He offers us daily guidance through His Word, the Bible. Some pay close attention to God’s directions; others ignore them and speed past the flashing lights. But everyone eventually arrives at the final destination: death’s door that leads to eternity either in Heaven or Hell.

The Bible is both an instruction book and a guidebook. Do we really believe that other people can guide us through treacherous terrain, but God cannot? He’s there, watching every move we make. Are we aware of Him? He’s leading the way, and we’re called to “follow His steps” (1 Peter 2:21). Jesus taught that death is a passage for the spirit into the presence of God (Luke 23:46). The psalmist declared, “God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave” (Psalm 49:15). Are you following the caution signs that God has posted throughout His Guidebook? His steps will never lead us astray.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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