Happy Birthday Dear Sharon! You Are Testimony to Us All!


Today is my Sharon’s birthday. I thank my Lord for Sharon, my Dear Sharon. I would not be able to do what I do without Sharon. If you are looking for a true definition of love look to Sharon. She has helped ‘build me up’ as a man of God by her example.

When I told Sharon 8 years ago this August that the Lord was pulling me out of the radio station and that He wanted me in full-time ministry, she did not ‘bat an eye.’ My job as manager of KKIM Christian radio reached $90,000 some years. We walked away from that  cutting our income in more than half, even thou we just had moved into a new home, new to us.

Sharon sold many of her personal belongings, made jewelry to sell, she still does, it is beautiful. For 2 1/2 years we had a tough time making it. God said keep going. We still have financial challenges from time to time just like many of you.

Sharon is a TRUE TESTIMONY to GOD’S GREATNESS! Sharon is all about doing. She doesn’t talk it, she does it. Sharon is behind the scenes making our family and ministry move forward. No social media for her, no Facebook, twitter, etc…. she acts on matters behind the scenes.

As people close to us say, “Sharon is very strong, she has such a ‘quiet strength’ about her.”

Sharon works so very hard as an RN! Please pray for her and all nurses at this time please! They are in harms way for us all! Sharon and I do not get to travel much together because of her heavy workload.

As our friend Tom Johnson said years ago about Sharon, “Dewey, you have such a wonderful gift in Sharon, she is so very intelligent, strong..she has a quiet strength about her, God has really blessed you.

Those words were very impactful to me, I am very thankful for people to see Sharon for who she is, a role model for all us of.

I love this from Billy Graham:

While most people believe relationships are all about being compatible, Graham says its about being “happily incompatible.”

“If two people agree on everything, one of them is unnecessary,” he says.

Sharon and I have some of the same strengths, but her strengths make up for the weaknesses I have, God made a great balance when He put us together.

Stronger marriage, family and ministry.

I love you babe!

He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD. Proverbs 18:22

Also Happy Birthday to our Dear Son Lars tomorrow, he lives in Chicago and works in the movie business. He is laid off right now due to the virus threat. Please keep him in your prayers. Love you Lars! So very proud of you and the man you have become!

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