Happy Birthday Dear Man of God, Pastor Bill Ruhl!


Welcome to Dewey’s Daily Cup!

I started writing the CUP back in 1997 two years after moving to Albuquerque. It started out as an email prayer request ministry. Then 8 years ago this August God formed FGGAM! Rick Griffin of Albuquerque won the contest to name the ministry “Dewey’s Daily Cup.” Rick is still a very dear, dear friend of ours as his wife Margaret is!

Love this Man of God Pastor Bill Ruhl pictured above!! Love the folks at Global Destiny! Bill is also Vice Chairman of FGGAM! Bill’s Godly wisdom is treasured by me and Sharon. Bill lives Jesus, His walk with Jesus preaches! 

Happy Birthday Dear Bill! How do you thank a man who has helped you become a better man of God? That is how I feel about Pastor Bill. Yesterday, since I was not traveling to Reserve I went to visit Bill and his lovely wife Monica, and his wonderful congregation at Global Destiny. I have many friends there.They always treat me like family.

Bill has been with me and Sharon since God established FGGAM 8 years ago this August. Bill also helped me out tremendously when I managed KKIM Radio. I needed a newscaster to fill in for Hall of Fame Broadcaster Frank Haley when Frank took vacation. Bill has such a radio talent, a Godly news sense and an awesome radio voice! I am deeply thankful for how Bill served at KKIM.

Bill is the one who helped me move out of my office on my last day at KKIM. He helped me load my things into his truck and into our home. I did not know all what God was doing of course! I had just left a well paying radio job and had no ways to help support me and Sharon as we started FGGAM. Our income was cut more than in half with this change.

I asked Bill what now? He replied, “God will provide.”

God has and is.

Bill told me, “Never go in debt as a ministry.” We have never and will never do that.”

Please pray fore Bill as he has a medical condition right now and appreciates your prayers. Amen!

Bill is Vice Chairman of FGGAM, has been since we started. He is just a phone call away for me.

His guidance and the guidance of our other Board Members, Wanell Pate, Barbara Gould and Sonja Haylett has been heaven sent!

I also want to thank our Advisory Board that God set up: Paul Holt, Leonard Navarre, Bill Redmond, Walter Bradley, Don Kimbro, John Lay, Jose and Miki Vasquez, Clara Nelson and Charles McGargish.

Our Advisory Board really is a family of Godly wisdom…

How could a man leave a well paying job and cut the families income in more than half? We had just bought a home, right before the housing market crashed, it was not our timing to move into full-time ministry, it was God’s. Next to God is my Dear wife Sharon who has stuck by my side and sacrificed much in our efforts. For the first 2 1/2 years Sharon sold off many of her belongings to help us survive.

Why do I share all this with you? Because I want you to know how powerful God is! He never orders anything unless he has paid for it. I preach because I want all to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I want you to be able to hear the voice of God! Look at what happened! God called me out of KKIM, into FGGAM, even thou I drug my feet for 6 months, Sharon and I did follow God. It is because of God, Sharon and all our friends like Pastor Bill, that we are here today at FGGAM doing our best to serve our Lord.

Godly Friends make your world go around in love!

Have you seen the new movie on the life of Mister Rogers? Sharon and I watched it Saturday night! It is a life changer! Amen! Did you know Mister Rogers was a Pastor? I love how he loved on people! Do you love all? Jesus does. Mister Rogers did! The other thing that grabs me about Mister Rogers is, he was not quick to answer questions at times. That is a lost art in today’s world. People think that have to have an answer for all things. Many speak before they hear from God.

I encourage you to see the movie. I pray that afterwards you love God and people more than ever!

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35

Love you all in Jesus, Dewey and Sharon

My life verse: “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24


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