Don’t Worry


Your Bible Boost – March 24, 2020

It is always my prayer that as we study, read and meditate together that our time will be an encouragement but also a time to challenge each of us to walk more faithfully with our Lord Jesus Christ.

I don’t know about you but I suspect you are much like me.  There are times, probably even now in these times, that we feel anxious, worried and maybe downright NERVOUS.  What we are experiencing is out of OUR control and we are anxious and worried.  Philippians 4:6-7 speaks to just such a time as what we are experiencing today.  Listen, “The Lord is near: have no anxiety, but in everything make your request known to God in prayer and petition with thanksgiving.  THEN, the peace of GOD which is beyond our utmost understanding will guard your hearts and thoughts, IN CHRIST JESUS.” (Caps are mine)

Notice how logically this passage unfolds. The recognition of God’s presence is followed by the admonition “NOT TO WORRY”.  So how do we overcome our worry and anxiety?

We recognize that God is near.  He is close.  He hears our prayers, plus He knows everything that is going on in our lives and in our world.  Matthew 28:20, Jesus says, “and I am with you always, even till the end of the ages.  First step, acknowledge that GOD IS NEAR.

Nothing escapes the notice of heaven.  God is watching.  He will provide the assurance that all these things, yes even the worrisome things will work out for good (Romans 8:28). He did not say it would be painless.  Just that it would all work out for OUR good.

The text also stresses the need for prayer and how to pray.  We are to take all things to the Lord in THANKSGIVING.  Notice the emphasis.  Just don’t pray but PRAY WITH THANKSGIVING.  Thanking Him for the event, circumstance or trial in whatever is worrying us.  Not in just some things but “in everything”.

So, here’s our challenge.  PUT THIS SCRIPTURE TO THE TEST.  Worried?  No wringing hands!  PRAY!  Don’t know what’s going to happen?  PRAY!

Remember where Paul is when he writes these words.  Yep!  He is in JAIL! Even in jail, here’s his advice to us…DON’T WORRY!  GOD IS NEAR!  Call out to Him with your worries, anxious thoughts and having to be in control.

When we follow these teachings there comes a promise.  “The peace of God, which is beyond our understanding will guard our hearts”.  Wahoo.  Praise God.  PEACE OF MIND!  GOD IS IN CONTROL.  That will be a safe guard against all sorts of negative, worrisome thoughts.

Praying that we will “have no anxiety”, GOD IS NEAR.

Leonard Navarre

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