March 1, 2020
This great statement, so abundantly true, actually was first stated in the book of Habakkuk. The writer of Hebrews is quoting the prophet Habakkuk.
When Habakkuk wrote this, he was perplexed. He lived in a day of violence, degradation, apostasy, and danger. So he bombarded Heaven, asking God to answer—to explain things, so he could make sense of it all. But God said, “Habakkuk, you couldn’t understand it anyway if I told you what I’m up to. You think I’m not working? I am working, and Habakkuk, here is your responsibility in this day: You must live in this uncertain age by faith. You want me to tell you how to live? Don’t live by explanations. Live by faith.”
Now, that’s not just smoke and mirrors. That has spiritual steel and concrete in it—“the just shall live by faith.”
This is the only way to live. In fact, this verse is quoted three times in the Word of God. I wonder if God is trying to tell us something. I know He is. The challenge for us today—and every day—is to live by faith.