Why Should Death Be Respected?


Pastor Dewey Note: Over the years I have been blessed to officiate at many funerals. It is a blessing to be with people at that time. To share the love of Jesus, to share about their loved one. We are to love each other, we are one in Christ. It is a miracle that people that do not have a Church or Pastor but still want  a Preacher to say “words” over their loved one. It leaves me in AWE of GOD!

Every life is precious to our Lord. I also have had the Godly honor of officiating at many funerals at the Santa Fe National Cemetery.

So very many people in America do not have a Church home or a Pastor in their lives. We aim to serve them and show the love of Jesus to them.

Just last week I was asked by a lovely lady if I could do the funeral for her Aunt, but her other Aunt said no to any Pastor. That is the way with some, I said I am here to serve if you need me.

I do not think we grieve enough, cry enough, reflect, learn from our loved one, take time out. We are a society in a hurry to our own death.

My hero of faith Smith Wigglesworth said: I refuse to be an ordinary man. You say, “Why do you?” Because I have an extraordinary God who makes extraordinary people.

WOW! Me too! I think I have a new motto! Please visit me and all of our writers for God at FGGAM Biblical Worldview!
Excited to serve the Lord again today! I am blessed to serve my Lord and you! Shining the light of Jesus Christ to one person at a time.

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Why should death be so respected when it brings so much sadness?

Feb 12, 2020

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I do not like to attend funerals and I am glad that people are getting away from these morbid gatherings. When our society is in desperate need of more happiness than sadness, why are there still people who insist that death should be respected when it brings so much sadness? — F.D.

A: This present age is definitely not an age of mourning. Instead, people deliberately turn away from anything unpleasant, determined to fill their lives with those things which will divert their minds from anything serious. In their preoccupation with momentary pleasures and diversions, people settle for shallow and empty substitutes for reality. Millions give more thought to the next entertainment to seek. Perhaps much of it is to help put off dealing with the finality of what really happens when death comes knocking.

The present culture could be known as “the culture of superficiality.” The popular phrases of “so what” or “whatever” describe the attitude of many toward life. Many think that so long as we have automobiles to ride in, TV and movies to entertain us, mobile devices at hand, and gadgets to serve us, what happens to our souls does not matter. The idea of, “Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone,” is all too familiar. But superficial living will never help us stand against the pressures and problems of life.

While Jesus came to bring life abundantly (John 10:10), we cannot ignore the fact that all of mankind sits on death row. How we die or when we die is not the main issue, but where we go after death. Someone has said that death is not a period, but a comma in the story of life. For those who know Christ, death is a time of celebration, that souls redeemed will be united with the Lord forever in eternity. Every person should ask, “Where do I stand with Jesus Christ, and am I ready to meet Him?


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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