The Blessing of Repentance



February 09, 2020

Sunday Reflection: The Blessing of Repentance

It may seem odd to think of repentance as a blessing, because it’s not something anyone looks forward to. But repentance isn’t supposed to feel good. In fact, if it does, you’re probably doing it wrong.

Repentance is a blessing because it allows us to grasp the depth and love of God. And it’s an essential part of our life as Christians because Jesus calls us to it—and He is faithful and just to forgive us when we confess our sins (1 John 1:9). In repenting, confessing, and humbling ourselves before God, we are not merely turning away from our wrongs. We are embracing the Father’s love.

Think About It 
• Repentance frequently leads to some outward behavior, but the Lord wants us to experience a change in the direction of our heart as well. Think about your own experience with confession and repentance—have you felt more aware of or closer to the Father’s love?

• John the Baptist calls for followers of God to “bear fruits in keeping with repentance” (Luke 3:8). What do you think it means for our actions to be the fruit of repentance?

Bible in One Year: Numbers 3-5

The Gift of Prayer

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