Team Jesus, Continue to Pray For NM Christian Leader Pastor Glen Strock, Lets Build Bridges for Jesus!


Pictured below from left to right, Pastor Reed Redus, Pastor Glen Strock and me, the old man!

Praise God! I got to worship with Pastor Glen Strock yesterday! What a wonderful visit! Please pray for Pastor Glen as he returns to the Mayo Clinic this week for further treatment for his brain cancer! He sends all of us love in Jesus! Please keep praying my friend Glenn, he looks so good and his light for Jesus shines brighter than ever. Pray for Alida and the kids also, please.

Glen came to Santa Fe in 1979 in his 1949 red Dodge pickup with his little 9 year old daughter Cora bundled up next to him in the front seat and a cooler full of home made yogurt he made from raw milk from old Mexico. No money, but with lots of heart and his hope in the Lord.

The rest is history……Glen has built so many bridges for God here in New Mexico and beyond! How about you and I?

For years and years Glen has been a voice for God at our State Capital, standing in the gap for God’s babies, having a very vital role in getting Care Net of Santa Fe started, reporting for KKIM Radio on issues that concern us all. Serving God in many ways, building bridges for God all over. Who can forget the rodeos in Pecos!!! Glen’s artwork!!! Teaching School!!!

Our Sunday started at Pecos, NM Cowboy Church! That is where Glen has Pastored for several years. Glen introduced me to the folks that were making preparations for the service. We then left for First Baptist Church in Santa Fe, these folks in Santa Fe have really rallied around Glen and Alida and the kids! The Church was holding a spaghetti lunch to raise funds to send kids to camp and Glen wanted to ‘give back’ by serving.

I was so touched by the love the body of Christ at First Baptist of Santa Fe showed Glen and Alida! It was a sight that was “JESUS LIKE” Folks, it is all about showing each other the love of Jesus. So many people in the Santa Fe area and beyond are pouring out their love to the Strock family. I get emails and texts from all over asking about Glen.

I got to see one of my heroes of faith yesterday, Miki Vasquez, wife of New Mexico Watchman Jose Vasquez. I love these two very much. Dedicated to serving the Lord and his people, leaders here in New Mexico for God. I did not get to see Jose as he was visiting another Church. Miki and Jose have also built so many bridges for God!

I fell in love with the Pastor of First Baptist Church, Reed Redus! WOW! Powerful message yesterday on Building bridges for God. Building bridges based on love and trust that can bear the weight of the truth of Jesus. WOW! Pastor Redus said, “I don’t want to be a salesman of the gospel, I want to build trust with people, show them the love of Jesus and go from there and share the truth.”

POWERFUL!!! I have been saying for years the problem with too many Pastors and Christians, is they almost force themselves and their beliefs on people without building a bridge of trust and love that bear the truth of Jesus. I see it everyday on Facebook! You have to have credibility with people. If all you do is rant, you do not build up the Kingdom of God.

If you can build that trust and love with people, you will find people are so very more receptive to the gospel.

I encourage you to read 1 Cor. 9.

The message Pastor Reed gave was one of the best sermons I have heard in a long time! This man is on fire to show the love of Jesus to all! First Baptist of Santa Fe shows a big heart for Jesus!

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35

Building Bridges for God is what Pastor Glen and Jose and Miki Vasquez have spent years doing here in New Mexico! My heroes of faith!

Sharon and I are so super blessed by all the love people show us so much love. Pictured below, Miki and Jose.


Wyatt from the Pecos Cowboy Church! What a lovely young man! He also wears a badge!!!

His authority on earth allows us to dare to go to all the nations. His authority in heaven gives us our only hope of success. And His presence with us leaves us no other choice. John R. W. Stott

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