The NFL and FOX are responsible for such TRASH! Exploiting women and children!
Past Posts:
From Billy Graham: Two conflicting forces cannot exist in one human heart. When doubt reigns, faith cannot abide. Where hatred rules, love is crowded out. Where selfishness rules, there love cannot dwell. People’s hearts, though small, are big enough for Christ to live in, if we will only make room for Him.

I got several comments from many after my Super Bowl half time post. I want to share a few of them and then share with you an excellent, spot on post by Casey Graham Russell! We are seeing things that we have not seen before, these are very troubling times for a America that is so very divided, right down the middle! Like Speaker Pelosi ripping up the Presidents speech right after the State of the Union, live on TV! How un-Patriotic! Un-American! Evil!
I will not let this FOX and NFL half time evil pass, they cannot be lefyt off the hook, they must be held accountable for such evil..make a 10 million donation to a children’s home…pocket change to FOX and the NFL!…..I will keep speaking and posting about it!! We cannot just go from one evil to the next quickly! We must pounce on it and make our case! We must stand in the gap for God and His children! Just not for a day or two, but 24/7!
Here are a few comments on my Superbowl half time post:
Steven Daggett: Dewey, Sue and I didn’t watch it either, but she saw the results the next day teaching 4th grade boys at school. Soft-core porn is still propaganda. Propaganda for all the wrong values. And it does have an impact. It has consequences in our society. We conservatives fought this battle back in the eighties and clearly lost. Now this kind of thing doesn’t even make America blush.
Judy Nottingham: Totally agree, Dewey!! It reminded me of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible.. I don’t think it has anything to do with being old fashioned.. And, this is what they call entertainment.. If I had been watching this half-time with my family, I would have been somewhat embarrassed.. Certainly prophesied for End Times..
Robyn Besemann: Absolutely offensive to anyone with decency and respect for women.
“Sorry little girls. This is NOT where your value lies.”
Please now read Casey’s, who is posted above.
Casey Graham Russell
Dear girls that saw the half time show and thought you needed to dress more scandalous, more provocative, more skin showing and get on a stripper pole to get attention.
Here’s a few things I want you to know-
You are more precious that rubies. Proverbs 3:15
You are beautifully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14
You are a child of God. Galatians 3:25
You are so loved. John 3:1
Nowhere does it say that we are called to show ourselves in scandal, or treat our bodies like they are for show in order for Him to call us precious, beautiful, wonderful, or loved.
In fact, the Bible warns us, in 1 Peter 5:8 to control yourselves. Be on your guard. Your enemy the devil is like a roaring lion. He prowls around looking for someone to chew up and swallow.
Dear sisters, I pray you took heed tonight. I pray you stood your ground and that you didn’t allow your children to watch. I pray that you thought hard about what our world is showing, and how our media, and show business is teaching that sexual actions, attire and movements are okay…and in the same instance we’re seeing viral posts of sexual trafficking and mothers scared at the local grocery store. You can’t stand on both sides. It’s doesn’t work that way.
Whatever you do, search your heart. As a girl that once dreamt of being on the big stage, band and my name written in lights…I can assure you, being behind the curtain I knew it wasn’t for me. It didn’t align or sit well with who I was or who God says I am.
Tonight, was confirmation. And I’m thankful my daughter was not in the room when the half time show played. Guard your heart. Guard your children.
Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 2 Timothy 2:22
Written by: Casey Graham Russell
Evil is Evil!!! Many Christians need to check in with God! Many are winking at evil including Pastors and Churches. Half naked women!!!! Climbing poles!!!??? Awful!!! This was America’s entertainment!!!??? We exploit women and children, we abort children… awful we have become as a people.
“If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matthew 18:6
Throughout Scripture God does speak to the nations: “Come here and listen, O nations of the earth. Let the world and everything in it hear my words” (Isaiah 34:1, NLT).
Evil is real – and powerful. It has to be fought, not explained away, not fled. And God is against evil all the way. So each of us has to decide where we stand, how we’re going to live our lives. We can try to persuade ourselves that evil doesn’t exist; live for ourselves and wink at evil. We can say that it isn’t so bad after all, maybe even try to call it fun by clothing it in silks and velvets. We can compromise with it, keep quiet about it and say it’s none of our business. Or we can work on God’s side, listen for His orders on strategy against the evil, no matter how horrible it is, and know that He can transform it.
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3
It is very shameful on how Fox and the NFL treated women and children last night.
I posted this last night on Facebook after I got home from preaching at FBC in Reserve! I am still so very sad that FOX and the NFL would exploit women and children. Fox is taking dumb pills, they would not air a pro-life commercial during the Superbowl! We treasure at children here at FGGAM! We also do not exploit women! Follow the evil money on all this. I am so very thankful for all pour children in Church and Sunday School and our teacher Destre Ortedga.
That’s the half time show? Wow I guess I’m so old fashion I did not know that is what they do now? Very sad! Very provocative! Where’s the marching bands? I’m old in this world we live in! I’m going to my western channel! Is this how we want our children to dress! We want our young Ladies dressing half naked? My goodness! Where are the role models? Just getting home from preaching and looking at this makes me very sad! Sadly it’s all about the money! The greats are on the western channel Called GRIT! John Wayne is on now! Christians! What does your discernment tell you? No NFL for me It’s the NFL’s exploitation of women! Men if you watch that stuff and support the NFL Shame on you! Also Shame on Fox for not airing the pro-life commercial! Fox has been taking more dumb pills Time to call out all this evil! Stop supporting in! As my Daddy used to say, it stinks to high heaven.