Know What You Believe



January 04, 2020

Know What You Believe

Philippians 4:8-9

Many people think it doesn’t matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something. But in reality, the content of our faith affects all areas of life. That’s not to say that everything we do will be 100 percent aligned with our convictions—after all, we aren’t perfect! As a rule, though, we are guided by what we accept as truth.

For example, believing what the Bible says will affect how we use our gifts, the way we treat others, and our choices about spending or investing our money. And of course the most important decision in life—trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ—hinges on whether we believe He is who He claims to be.

The Word of God contains many passages warning about false teachers and prophets, whose destructive doctrines can cause us terrible damage. But if we have a strong foundation, we are far less likely to be deceived. That’s why Scripture teaches us how to safeguard against believing error: by filling our mind with truth. If you haven’t yet developed a daily habit of spending time in God’s Word, why not start today?

Bible in One Year: Genesis 12-15

After Christmas Sale

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