Joy, Let Freedom Ring… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Joy, Let Freedom Ring…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I was thinking this cold chilly morning about the joy rides a friend and I woud take with people. We would pray with people that were struggling. We would help them every way we could. We bought them clothes, gave of our own clothing when money was tight. We would get their hair done, take them to lunch, anything we could do to make a difference. We believed God for their freedom. We sometimes would take on the cases that many would label hopeless. We knew our God was bigger.

The biggest gift we ever gave them was to pray for them. We would go straight to the throne room and ask God to use us to make a difference and we prayed for and believed him for their deliverance. We held on to those promises of God for his people and we held on tight. We wouldn’t let go until we would see his hand moving. We would ask him to set things up even if it didn’t include us. We wanted his best for his people and we wanted to see him perform his word.

Oh, then came the joy ride. We would take them for a ride in her convertible. There is something so freeing about riding in the open ray of sunshine that makes you feel so free. Oh, those wide-open spaces.

If your struggling today, let’s believe together. She now has sold her convertible, but God can put you on a joy ride that you will never forget. He died to set you free, if you believe. (John 8:36) Whom the son sets free is free indeed. 

Just a few days ago I had the privilege to pray with a young person that is struggling. The words that kept coming out of my mouth were this. You are going through a temporary setback for a bright, bright future.

Is that you today? If it is let’s join faith today. If it’s not then please join faith for someone you know that is struggling. Let’s Pray:

Father, you tell us not to worry, not to be afraid. You tell us weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. You tell us that you hold our days in your hands. Father, you tell us that all things work together for good to those who love and serve the Lord. (Romans 8:28)

Father, we join faith today all across this globe. Set up your people’s deliverance. Whatever is going on in any person’s life you have the answer and you said you are watching over your Word to perform it.

Father, we believe. Oh, the joy of the sounds of this awakening.

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Enjoy your journey with Jesus, as you believe.

The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.” Jeremiah 1:12

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