Isn’t it Important to Learn the Whole Counsel of God?


Thank you Pastor Jude Sisneros for this super message! God Bless you and Liv!! We love and yours!

Joshua 8:35-35” Afterwords, Joshua read all the words of the law— The blessings and curses— just as it is written in the Book of the Law. There was not a word of all that Moses had commanded that Joshua did not read to the whole assembly of Israel, including the women and the children, and the aliens who lived among them.”


The Lord had just delivered the Israelites  from the people of Ai…  they had just won a great battle. Joshua and all the people honored the Lord first, by giving him praise for the victory, and immediately afterward Joshua read the Word of the Lord to the people, and the most important part of the above-verses is that he did not leave anything out.. He didn’t just tickle their ears with the blessings, he read the whole Word of God!! The blessings, and the consequences of not following his instructions.. 

Most of today’s modern day preachers and evangelist would’ve only read the blessings. We live in a world today of people who are offended, and some preachers do not want to offend.. It becomes more important in today’s modern churches to keep the pews filled… Can I get real for a minute?

I read about a preacher that was preaching on Deuteronomy 28 and only read the first 13 verses because it told the congregation about all the blessings of God.. and yet he was careful not to read the other 55 verses of the curses that come from being disobedient to God. Isn’t it important to learn the whole counsel of God? And if you do not think so, then forget about reading in 2 Timothy 3:16-17.. Because you will probably be “OFFENDED “.

Pastors might feel at times that the sheep will leave the church, if they preach a message that will offend.. but truth is I believe they are more worried about the money of the sheep leaving the church. OUCH!!!

That is why people go to secular programs, because those programs won’t teach the people that it is their wrong practices that are causing the problems in their lives.. Conveniently allowing people to believe that change needs to come from those around them and not themselves.. Some modern day pastors think that their eloquent speech, is what leads people to victory and not the written Word of God. They believe that their “DELIVERY” of the Word, is more important than the DELIVERER OF THE WORD!!! OH HELLO!!!

I close with this.. My fellow Ministers of the Word.. Bring forth the FULL INSTRUCTIONS OF THE LORD, ALL THE TIME!!! Because your clever title of a message will only bring your agenda to God’s Holy Word… And will bring the wrong message every time…. That is all… Lord if this hits a vein.. Let it be in me first.. Let it begin with me…

God Bless,

Jude Sisneros

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