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A Closer Look

When we look at the snow falling outside and think of the cold weather ahead, we might groan within and shudder with dread. But if we take the time to examine and take a closer look, we realize the beauty of each snowflake. How amazing that God shaped each one individually… the same as he did us.
Being from Texas, I didn’t see a lot of snow every winter as we do here in Indiana, so I never took the time to really look at it. One day a while back, my daughter and I were outside, and it had started to snow when I noticed her coat. Tiny snowflakes covered her shoulders and I thought, how pretty. I touched it and realized it was real, not a part of her coat as I’d assumed. I pointed the flakes out to her and we both were amazed that each one was the same and had fallen in a perfect pattern across her shoulders. I never realized that snowflakes were actually shaped like that…almost like little stars. How awesome it is that God pays attention to the tiniest details!
When we see the Christmas season arrive, the stores stock their shelves. Bells ring out and decorations appear across the country with lighted trees in almost every window, we might be filled with joy…or maybe we shudder because we are just not ready for all the hustle and bustle. How did it get here so fast, we wonder? Where did the time go? There’s baking to do, gifts to buy…but if we take a closer look…
The holiday is not all about the decorations and spending money on expensive gifts. It’s about a time when God shed His light on a world full of sinners and decided to send us the hope of eternal salvation…through the birth of His Son. God is love, and as we are offsprings or our earthly fathers, Jesus is the offspring of God, our heavenly Father. The angels announced Jesus’ birth with “good tidings, of great joy which shall be to all people.”
He is God of all. John 3: 17 God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world, through Him, might be saved. That’s what Christmas is: a time to celebrate the glorious love God showed for us by sending His Son, a part of His own heart, into the world to teach us what true love really is. He knew the plans he’d made, and Jesus knew them too. He would live among the people, many of whom would get to know Him personally, and He would teach them of God’s love and His desire for peace and goodwill toward man…and what we must do to be saved.
God chose a young girl named Mary to be the mother of His son and her husband, Joseph, to be His father here on earth. He grew up with brothers and sisters and learned from Joseph to be a carpenter. From His heavenly Father He learned about God’s love for the world full of people He had created and their need to connect with Him.
The story of Jesus’ birth is found in the Book of Luke. His life story is told in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of Christmas take a few minutes to read it and you’ll find the true meaning of a merry Christmas. You’ll be amazed at the details found in God’s Word… once we take a closer look.

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