Springer, New Mexico Attempts to Rebuild Fire Dept. After All Firefighters Quit!


Be VERY THANKFUL FOR YOUR FIRE DEPT AND ALL THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO SERVE! Springer, New Mexico is attempting to work themselves our of a horrible problem! ALL FIREFIGHTERS QUIT!

I go through Springer when I am invited to Clayton, NM to preach. Awhile back 2 or 3 years ago?,  they had a bad fire, it burned down the only gas station in town. It now has been rebuilt. I do not know what happened to have all the Firefighters quit, I thank KRQE TV for this in-depth report. The Mayor did no service to anyone by refusing to comment.

KRQE TV Report

There are other Departments in New Mexico struggling. One bounces from 3 to 5 active members, and I just got another report from a Reporter of problems in his town. Please pray for all Volunteer Fire Departments and the men and women who serve. Be so very thankful for you Volunteers!

Several years ago in a small town in New Mexico that Sharon and I were vacationing over Mother’s Day….I saw a glow through the window, the cabin across the road was on fire. I quickly got dressed and waited for the Fire dept. They showed up with 3 trucks and just 4 firefighters. I grabbed a hose and helped.

As some of you know my Grandpa Moede and my Dad where firemen on the Windom, Minnesota Fire Dept. I served for 2 years on the Osceola, Indiana Volunteer Fire Dept. I had to resign when we moved. I have a very special place in my heart for Firefighters. Grandpa Chris served in the late 1800’s until his death in 1927 and My Dad, Wally joined after the Dept. a few years after coming back home from WWII. Dad served as an Assistant Chief. He served from 1950-1982. Windom has one of the best Volunteer Fire departments in the nation. Windom Fire Department Facebook

It is getting harder for Volunteer Fire Departments to recruit members. Many Departments have staffing problems. More on Volunteer Firefighter Shortage Here

U.S. Shortage of Firefighters

Also you may enjoy this:

A Fireman’s Gloves


  1. I am your friend on Facebook- Anna Phillips, I live in Springer- I just saw this article today. Thank you for writing this article

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