I am literally writing this letter with tears in my eyes, thanking God for the impact Pastor Dewey is making


This letter is from Pastor Jude Sisneros of Albuquerque, pictured at the very top, Pastor Dewey Moede just below.

Jude Sisneros

I write this letter in the full Spirit of the Lord acknowledging the work that my brother, friend, fellow Pastor (Dewey Moede)does through FGGAM. I am literally writing this letter with tears in my eyes, thanking God for the impact Pastor Dewey is making daily through his ministry, his writings, and for his heart reaching out to the lost and the bound, impacting the hurting world through his writings using the True Word of the Gospel. Charles Spurgeon once said,” Whenever God means to make a man great, He always breaks him in pieces first.” I believe that best describes Pastor Dewey’s approach in all he does for the Kingdom of God. I get to have personal one on one conversations with so many pastors each year, And although I have yet to have the privilege to have a conversation with Pastor Dewey, I can assure you without ever having that pleasure, I’ve known him all my life. That’s the type of impact he has on all that come in contact with him. I have nothing but the upmost respect for those in our pulpits each and every Sunday, but there is several things I want to say about Pastor Dewey who will travel most anywhere, bringing the good news of the Lord to any place no matter how far he has to travel.


I encourage all to take the time and read the daily writings Pastor Dewey shares, and here is few ways he has impacted me.


I respect the supernatural ability God has given you to take a passage of scripture, and pull out the truths that bring all of us comfort and guidance toward Godly living.


God has given you unconditional patience and kindness, that has been reflected to so many especially me and my wife.


I respect your bravery, you don’t shy away from tough passages, which can at times not be well received in this politically correct culture we live in today.


I respect your diligence, because I know that sometimes you have to make hard decisions when it comes to hard subject matters that is touchy, or that might cause some to take offense.


I respect your preparation, which I witness daily that usually starts early in the morning while everyone sleeps, with the primary goal to bring a fresh Word of the Lord to all before we awake.


I respect the love you show for your wife, which encourages me to love my wife more.


I respect the compassion you show, and I know it is because of the callused knees you probably have as you go before the Lord in prayer for those you love.


I respect your commitment to Jesus and His mission, because you love the Lord so much, you answered the call to go into world and bring Jesus to those that are in need.


I respect your vision, you see those in the world as what they could become, not what they currently are.


And most of all I respect what no one sees…If I was to use my life as a measuring stick, at what Pastor goes through, I can say that I respect the fact that you were probably broken to pieces by God. Personal Heartbreaks, Doubt, Disappointments, Sadness, Devastation, Hurt feelings, Sleepless Nights, Unspeakable pain, at yet we don’t talk about this part of our journey much. I believe the main reason God uses you so effectively is I believe you have been broken to pieces for His Glory, and the benefits is that you never quit. You will finish the race.

Pastor Dewey for that.. I say thank you…And I believe countless others feel the same. And because you take the sufferings that go with ministry at times, I believe others have met Jesus.. the fruits of your obedience. I just want to say thank you one more time…Love in Jesus… Pastor Jude Sisneros in Albuquerque, NM

Would You Please Pray About Supporting the Efforts of Pastor Dewey and FGGAM?

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