Don’t Ever Give Up, There’s A Plan… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Don’t Ever Give Up, There’s A Plan…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Every time I hear of someone that has given up, it makes my heart weep. People are losing hope everyday all around us. God himself has a plan, a plan for every life. It takes faith and trust in a God that promises he will journey each step of life, never leaving us nor forsaking us. We are never alone. Beautiful person don’t ever give up.

Today, let’s join faith for every person around this globe that is suffering from depression, suicidal thoughts, rejection, feelings of being overwhelmed, hopelessness and the list goes on. The God of hope desires for you to rest in him and watch him work all things out for your good. Yes, his promises are for you and no you haven’t done anything that could separate you from his love. Don’t believe lies the enemy of your soul would have you believe. He loves you and he loves me with an everlasting love. Open your heart today all across this globe and let Jesus in. As you begin to trust him and you experience for yourself the faithfulness of a Heavenly Father, you will build strength for each day of your journey. He has a wonderful plan for you. Yes You! Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for your love. Your love is enough to fill the human heart. You fulfill our longings and desire to journey with us each and every day. Father, we pray hope would arise in every heart that would call on your name today. Every negative thought, every negative circumstance and emotion we bring them to the healing waters of Jesus Christ. You see us as sons and daughters, for all whom would believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. There is no one too far gone and there is no one beyond your reach.

Father, put people in place to help others that are hurting. May we all do something to help another. Thank you for healing the broken hearted as they open their heart to you today. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Sing, laugh, find your joy and happiness in your Creator. He has the plan for your life, it’s a good one. Never give up, ever.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

If you would like prayer please call Healing Waters Women’s Ministry at (207) 760-7537 or for healing scriptures email or write to Healing Waters Women’s Ministry PO Box 1177, Presque Isle Maine 04769.

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