Convoy of Hope Brings the Love of Jesus to Thousands in Albuquerque!

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35
I collected some postings from Facebook of people who worked so very hard to bring hope to thousands yesterday in Albuquerque! So many people coming together to be the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. I know many people have worked so very hard to hold Convoy of Hope in Albuquerque, but I do want to thank the Lord for Pastor Brian Alarid who has led this effort from the start and the team has grown so strong in just a year! Pastor Brian and his wife Mercy have been such a super blessing to New Mexico and beyond! God Bless everyone who is on the team and God Bless those who were served yesterday, my prayer is this will bring many more hope, hope in Jesus! Amen!

This is such a shot in the arm of hope in Jesus for all of us!! You will love the pictures in the Albuquerque Journal. The smiles of Jesus! Thank you Albuquerque Journal for doing such a wonderful story on Convoy of Hope! ABQ Journal Report

Marie Chavez-Posey

Over 7,500 people were served by over 1,700 volunteers who came to show the love of Jesus. 10,000 lunches were provided, 4,500 people were prayed for, 70,000 pounds of groceries were given away, over 2,000 health screenings provided, 2,000 pairs of kids shoes and 5,000 pairs of socks were given, 1,500 job and career services guests were helped, 840 family portraits were taken.

Convoy of Hope 2019 was a huge success! Thousands were served by over 1700+ volunteers from many amazing churches in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho. Thank you to everyone who served.

Thank you Brian Alarid and Jason Dickenson for a year of prayer, preparation, planning, fundraising and hard work that culminated in today. Brian, thank you for all the relationships you’ve cultivated through the years and the way you unite people to serve our city. I love your faith and leadership. Denise Raykovics you did a brilliant job coordinating this whole event! You are a treasure to us.

So many businesses, churches and government entities made this happen-it was a work of love from almost every sector in our city. It was a privilege to be a tiny part of it.

America Prays Founded by Pastor Brian Alarid

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