End time players in Syria–is the end near? |
NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
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Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The New York Times has written a blistering critique of President Trump’s pull out of troops along the Syrian border that has resulted in not only Turkey trying to eliminate Kurds, but also firing on remaining US military and placing US nuclear weapons housed in Turkey at risk. The Times says it is rare to see the impact of a foreign policy decision so quickly, and that the move helped Russia, Syria and Iran. The past three presidents foreign policy decisions, however, have caused turmoil in the Middle East-Iraq invasion by Bush; Arab Spring by Obama; and now Turkey invasion by Trump. All helped Russia, Syria and Iran continue to gain an edge. The Trump move also helps Turkey and coalesces a prophetic force.
In Daniel 8:19, Gabriel says, “Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be. The ram which you saw having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia.” Strong’s Concordance interprets the word “Grecia” in Hebrew as “Yavan, a son of Japheth (the third son of Noah), his descendants and their land.” The Genesis 10 table of nations indicates this area was not only Greece (as Bible interpretations imply), but also the Eastern Mediterranean, including parts of modern Turkey (Magog, Tubal, Meshech). The ram would correspond with modern Iran.
According to the prophet Isaiah (17:1), “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.” Many point to this verse to speculate when and how Damascus will be destroyed. There has been a lot of talk that this is the time that perhaps Isaiah’s prophecy will be fulfilled. Damascus, after all, is hardly a city nowadays. It is maintaining a heartbeat after years of civil war and fighting that includes various al Qaeda terrorist groups, Hezbollah from Iran, Russian interests, American interests, Turkey, the Islamic State, and, of course the Assad government. Ezekiel 38 says that in the end of days, God will put a hook in Gog of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (all in Turkey), to lead a coalition of Persia (Iran), Libya; and Ethiopia (Sudan) against Israel.
The ingredients for the end time battle are amassing, but a careful read of the scriptures in their context would reveal that the end is not yet. The words “in that day” and “on that day” are significant because they correspond to the Day of the Lord, such as Gabriel’s interpretation saying “for at the time appointed the end shall be.” These current events are bringing together many of the end-time players, but according to the prophets, it is not yet the end. There are many events Jesus describes in Matthew 24 that must occur. Another consideration is that in all the prophets’ descriptions of these wars and battles, it is God, not men, who destroys Israel’s enemies: Isaiah 17:7 and Ezekiel 38:23 both say that men will know their maker and nations shall know “that I am the Lord.” Keep watching and praying. These are prophetic times.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
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For the children in rural Ghana, the need is great
By Pastor William Agbeti
“Father, we have a huge challenge!” That was the alarming prayer that sprung up in my heart when we registered the 181st child that showed up for our feeding program this month, against an invited number of 150! The makeshift auditorium of the local rural church, Bread of Life Sanctuary, that we are supporting and where we fed the children, was packed to full capacity by both invited and uninvited rural children. These started showing up in their numbers, with great excitement, hours before the announced time of 1:00 pm! They came from poor rural communities spread miles apart.
As a result, we were compelled to set up an overflow area outside the auditorium to contain the extra numbers that kept pouring in! Many were reported to have come very early in the morning to survey the area to assure themselves that the feeding program was for real! We ran out of rented chairs and could not get any to rent in the whole of the Kojonya community where the program was held, forcing us to go for benches and other types of chairs for the children. An hour before the official start of the program, which was held under the theme, JESUS – OUR BREAD OF LIFE!, we had 200 rural children on our hands to feed with both spiritual and physical food!
Naturally, I started panicking! How could we possibly feed all these needy children? And we were still counting! Just then, definitely by divine intervention, a volunteer stepped up unto the platform where the musical instruments were and started singing: “We serve a Miracle working God who never fails!”
Immediately, the spirit of panic left me and I dashed down to where the cooks were. I asked the chief volunteer cook if we have enough to feed all the children. She reported they had noticed the situation and had reduced the size of the fried chicken by half, thereby creating 300 pieces! Thankfully she confirmed also there was going to be enough rice for all, if the intended portions were also reduced by half! Thank you Father, I exclaimed silently! Half a portion is better than no portion at all! I tried to convince myself!
It turned out to be a
The Daily Jot supported ministry in Ghana feeds, clothes and provides clean water for hundreds of children |
first-time experience for the 200 children. Many of these had never eaten fried rice! They were treated to a popular nutritious local drink called SOBOLO, made out of the hibiscus flower. They also had popcorn and a received donations of clothing. Our regular musical chairs and dancing competitions were held and the winners were presented with Bibles. At the tail end of the program, majority of the children took decisions to accept Christ and were invited to attend church. These were given summarized lessons about the Old and New Testaments. They learned there are 66 books in the Bible, with 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New.
The need for them to have their own Bibles and carry them at all times was emphasized. We had a head count of the children who had Bibles and it turned out only a handful of them had bibles. Well over 150 had no Bibles. We promised to organize Bibles for distribution to them.
As usual, I observed four developments that greatly humbled me and brought tears to my eyes! First, the portions of meals were obviously not enough for some of the children! Secondly, many did not have popcorn to eat and were openly disappointed! Thirdly, when we assembled to have a group photograph, scores of children came over to cling to me, and will not let go; making me almost fall down! I had to control the tears welling up in my eyes! Lastly, after it all, a small boy aged about four walked to me and pointed out to something on a table somewhere.
It was another child’s pair of shoes! I checked his name on the register of names, asked a volunteer to find out where he came from, and promised to bring him a pair of shoes! How can I ever fail to deliver on this promise? Meanwhile, I am still thinking about how to address the overwhelming food needs of the children, with a regular monthly, if not weekly, feeding program for at least a year! This is my newest burden I have chosen to carry, so help me God!
Against above backdrop, we have purposed to have follow up activities to help establish the children in local churches, give them Bibles, supply some of their personal needs and win them and many more away from the reach or influence of Islam, traditionalist and other pagan and oppressive religions!
Hopefully, with a rippling effect and impact on our target children and rural communities, we would make a profound mark on rural Ghana with the feeding program! On the whole we had two local rural churches and two local NGOs supporting the program with children they bused to the venue, biblical literature and volunteers! To God be the Glory for a power-filled program like this!
The Daily Jot is totally reader supported. My wife, Chris, and I do not take a salary or receive any remuneration for this work. Your gifts go directly to assisting us in maintaining this column, the website, outreach, and the Lord’s work we do in Ghana, West Africa. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day,
Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot