He Was The Kid All The Other Parents Talked About….


This message by my Dear friend Vincy Willamowski of Indiana. I asked Vincy if I  could post her message as it preaches to us all about family, love, forgiveness, healing, mistakes loss, hope, and learning. I know this message will speak to many.

He was the kid all the other parents talked about….and all the others kids were compared to. He was…nearly ideal. Rarely fussed, barely cried, and was loving…beyond loving, to family and friends. He wasn’t perfect of course…but he was good.

·He taught me so much.

Everyone that knew him loved him, and those that didn’t yet…surely would with his handsome smile and his amazing personality. He heard things from God, that still, to this day…astound me.

·He gave me so much.

I was the stubborn, hot-headed, child…raising a child…and I didn’t know my head from my butt…but…he loved me. We grew up together in turmoil and fire…and he gave me grace. We forged a way…together, single-mom+beautiful son…and tried our hand at life.

·I stumbled along the way. We both fell.

Distance is a funny thing…isn’t it? Sometimes it heals the wounds we create, and sometimes it leaves us gaping wide…with scars that won’t seem to close. Either way…it isn’t, nor will it ever be…wholeness.

·He’s gone, and part of my heart is missing.

23 years ago…he made me a mom. 3 years ago, he made me a better mom by walking away. He forced me to look in the mirror and own my mistakes. He made me face the fear…of losing a child (which I thought would kill me) and realize that I wouldn’t die…in fact, it would only make me stronger.

·He gave, and he keeps giving…even though he doesn’t know it yet.

His birthday…is a day filled with tremendous hope, loss, and…love. I’ll keep fighting to hang onto the memories…but I will also keep striving to grow from the gap.

Happy Birthday Gabe. I hope you read this…your mom is here…different than she used to be…and I owe much of that to the gift that is you. #birthday #healing #loss #onedayatatime #lovehim

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