250,000 Students Share the ‘Power of Christ’ on Football Fields Across the Nation


The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA, www.fca.orgshared the news of their student impact live on the national morning show Fox and Friends, October 10th.

Click here to view the story link and live segment on Fox and Friends.

This October more than 250,000 students across the nation are joining  together on football fields as part of a faith-filled initiative by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA, www.fca.org) encouraging their classmates to pray, read their Bibles, and “open up their life to Christ.”

Fox and Friends co-host Ainsley Earhardt  shared how FCA impacted her faith during her college years.

“I love this organization,” Earhardt said. “God used it to change my life when I was in college at the University of South Carolina.”


The Fields of Faith events will offer hope in a world where students are faced with many challenges, such as hopelessness, loneliness, depression, suicide, drugs, alcohol and more.

“In a world where bad news seems to be the norm, we’re happy to share the great news that lives are being changed through Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ Fields of Faith,” said FCA Executive Director of Ministry Advancement Jeff Martin. “From the student leaders who take on the responsibility to bring Fields of Faith to their communities to the skeptical or hurting teen who might be attending for the first time, we see time and again that Fields of Faith motivates, energizes, rejuvenates and unites. Jesus takes hold of lives right there on the athletic fields, and we are continually amazed at what He does each year in young peoples’ lives.”

Those interested in bringing Fields of Faith to their area may visit www.fieldsoffaith.com for more information on how to host a field event, sign up to attend a field or register a field. For details on how to become involved with FCA on campus, or to start an FCA presence at school, visit www.fca.org/get-involved.


Read more about FCA hereFor more information about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, visit FCA’s web site at www.fca.org, its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/fcafans or its Twitter feed @fcanews.

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