Why Would God Allow Evil to Accomplish What Happened on 9/11


Tribune Content Agency

Why would God allow evil to accomplish what happened on this horrific day that has stained the calendar?

Sep 11, 2019

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: People claim that the Bible is filled with hope, but it is also filled with evil deeds against mankind. Isn’t this a contradiction? When 9/11 comes around every year I begin to question my faith in God. Why would He allow evil to accomplish what happened on this horrific day that has stained the calendar? — N.A.

A: The Bible says that the days of mankind are filled with trouble and sorrow (Psalm 90:10). We wish it were not so, of course; maybe that is why we are so quick to believe the advertisements that promise us happiness. Life is difficult for everyone, and no one makes it through unscathed. But the Bible says, “The Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11).

The Bible does not contradict itself at all. God’s warnings and blessings work in harmony together for the purpose of showing our hearts that sin dominates the world in which we live. There is hope and mercy for those who seek Him and trust Him for the outcome.

There is no false advertising in the Bible. Evil is committed against mankind, and mankind is filled with evil. All around us are people whose lives are filled with trouble and sorrow, and they need our compassion and encouragement. There is hope beyond this world of sorrow and it is found in the hope of Jesus Christ and eternity in Heaven for those who receive Him as Savior. In His heavenly presence our troubles and sorrows will cease, and we will be safely with Christ forever, the Prince of Peace. Heaven will be filled with eternal joy. Who would not want to go there?


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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