PRAY TEAM JESUS! UPDATED: Pastor Jarrid Wilson Who Was Known for His Work in Mental Health Advocacy Commits Suicide


Our hearts are broken at this news…..we are praying for Pastor Jarrid’s family and friends and all those at Harvest Christian Fellowship.

More From The Christian Post

Megachurch pastor who was known for his work in mental health advocacy kills himself
Jarrid Wilson, a popular pastor known for his work in mental health advocacy at a Southern California megachurch, has died by suicide, Senior Pastor Greg Laurie with Harvest Christian Fellowship Church said in a statement.

Read in CNN:

On the link below you will find a very informative article by my friend John Thurman of Albuquerque:

So sad at the loss of this dynamic young man who struggled with depression and who was an advocate for mental health.

Earlier today I posted an updated article on Christians and Suicide and how the church needs to be place of hope.

Shared from Apple News

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