Do You Understand What’s Happening?



September 11, 2019


And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.Mark 13:26


When we come to a place where we don’t understand what’s happening, when everything seems to be caving in, there is Jesus. We always have the forgiveness of the cross, the victory of the empty tomb, and the hope of Christ’s imminent return.

When we go to the doctor and he tells us we have a malignancy…when we hear that we as a couple are infertile and cannot bear a child…when we have to declare bankruptcy…when we are laid off work…when we read a note that our spouse has left…when a loved one dies because of a terrorist act…we have a Savior.


And we have a choice to believe or not to believe! At that time we can begin to murmur, criticize, grumble, or despair. Or we can yield to the Savior and hear Him say, “My child, no matter what is happening, this is how much I love you. Look to the cross. Look into the empty tomb. Look for Me. I’m coming again.”

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